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Grow Taller Naturally Using Yoga

As it turns out, yoga class isnt just for flexibility and health. Many people that participate in specific yoga exercises report that they grow taller after just a few weeks. The positive effects that yoga has on posture, flexibility, and general health and well-being make it one of the most advantageous activities for people to do even if their goal isnt specifically to grow taller.Yoga can increase height by encouraging correct posture and...more

Coping with Stress through Yoga

Coping with Stress through Yoga Medical conditions can be vastly improved through the benefit of yoga.  Yoga can lessen the negative effects of such conditions as lung disease, Parkinson's, insomnia, high blood pressure multiple sclerosis, and even joint pain. The benefit of yoga is being recognized today as a viable alternative not only by the yoga community, but by many medical doctors.Stress is the leading cause in many illnesses...more

A Brief Overview of Yoga

A Brief Overview of Yoga Yoga is a practice that people do keep their bodies in shape.  All of the elements of Yoga were inherited form the practice of Hinduism.  Ethnic principles, and body principles, along with spiritual guidance and philsophy are just some of the features associated with Yoga.  Yoga is usually taught, by a person called a "Guru".  Their intentions are to teach people how to obtain a quieter state of mind through meditation.  Quiet breathing and chanting "mantras" are practiced to help the person get to the "quiet" state of mind.  Yoga is supposed to lead a person to better health, and a calmer, more emotional well-being.  Mental clarity and a joy in living are the main thoughts imposed upon a person who practices Yoga.  The steps in Yoga ultimately are supposed to lead to an advanced state of meditation called "samadhi".  All the goals of Yoga are expressed in different ways among a lot of different traditions.  In Hinduism the main thought is that yoga brings people closer to God.  In Buddhism practices, yoga is supposed to help people get a deeper sense of wisdom, compassion, and insight.  In some of the farther Western countries,...more

Yoga For Tired Eyes And Strained Vision

Yoga For Tired Eyes And Strained Vision or could that be your tired eyes finally aging? Oh the horror, as you give in and attempt to find a fashionable set of +1.25 readers at the drugstore.Now, you have them and you think it's great at first... until your eyes come to heavily rely on them, and you have to remember where you put them...more

Polishing hologram - Disposable Pharyngeal Mirror - Yoga Netipot

Polishing hologram - Disposable Pharyngeal Mirror - Yoga Netipot It does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve it by citing reliable sources. Tagged since December 2009.It may contain original research or unverifiable claims. Tagged since December 2009.Very few or no other articles link to it. Please help introduce links to...more

Yoga Is for Men, Too

Yoga Is for Men, Too Let's face it, at its first mention; Yoga might not come off as the most masculine exercise. But that's just it-at its first mention. When you delve deeper into it, you will realize nothing could be further from the truth.More males are discovering this and consequently more American men are now flocking to the yoga mats where once, it seemed, only women dared to tread. However the irony is in India where it originated, it wasn't until recently that women were even allowed to practice yoga-that with restrictions still applied at times.Men now make up 25 percent of America's 17 million enthusiasts and this figure is increasing steadily. Perhaps it may be because several successful men in various walks of life attest to Yoga's efficiency and openly advocate its practice.Take Hip-Hop entrepreneur, Russell Simmons for example, when I read he practiced Yoga (just like Sting, Quincy Jones and Woody Harrelson), it further increased my belief that in no time perhaps NOT practicing Yoga will be seen as strange. Okay, maybe I overstated that, however, for Simmons (someone viewed as a pioneer in such a masculine and testosterone driven...more

The Camel Pose in Yoga

The Camel Pose in Yoga Yoga - which means 'to unite' in Sanskrit - is an ancient Indian system of health and fitness. Widely considered as one of the best methods to achieving holistic health, fitness and battling stress. The regular...more

It's time to learn Advanced Yoga Poses

It's time to learn Advanced Yoga Poses I have found a large number of people spending considerable amount of time learning new exercises to keep themselves healthy. The main thing while doing an exercise is the consistency. Doing...more

Yoga as Part of Prenatal Care

Yoga as Part of Prenatal Care Prenatal yoga is an exercise that is designed to promote breathing exercises, posture and emotional relaxation. This approach is often sought by pregnant women who are preparing for a natural childbirth or who...more

Finding Balance through Yoga

Finding Balance through Yoga Yoga is an ancient science that aims to create a balance between the body, mind and soul, thereby curing physical mental and spiritual disorders that are caused by this imbalance. In common language, yoga means...more

Know the Benefits of Yoga

Know the Benefits of Yoga  Yoga is one of the most fundamental needs to keep body hit and fit. This is also ultimate and effective therapy to various incurable diseases. Performing yoga on regular basis is said to rejuvenate overall beauty of...more

How to choose the best yoga mat

How to choose the best yoga mat If it's your first time to buy a yoga mat or you're looking for a replacement, you may be wondering which is the best yoga mat to purchase.With the variety of mats available in sports shops and online,...more
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