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Making the Email Subscription Process Easier by:Richard Harley

Making the Email Subscription Process Easier   by:Richard Harley

With so many companies vying for their time and with so much email being received

, it is not easy to capture the subscriber's undivided attention. In order to stand out from the crowd and be distinguishable from the from among the barrage of other emails, companies should strive to make their communication quick and easy, because ease is always more attractive than difficulty. And ease to readers is exactly what gained popularity for Google Adwords, Turbo Tax and others in the market of electronic communication.

You must have heard that old expression that says that "It's easier said than done". Well, that is exactly how it is when attempting to make everything easier for each and every subscriber. After all, what is easy for some, may not be so easy for others and vice a versa. Making things easy for new customers is especially difficult.

It is most important to keep the email address simple by creating a link in the opt-in form and on every promotional email and e-newsletter. Likewise, email address links should be included on every page of company's website, as well as a "send to a friend" link. At times when images are blocked due to poor Internet connections, every button should be unmistakably and descriptively labeled, i.e., "Buy now", "Subscribe here", "Submit", and so on.

Subscriptions must be made simpler and easier by organizing email IDs, links, sign up forms, posting information on every page and, of course, every email should have the "Subscribe" link which will lure the reader with its ease and convenient availability. Every action, whatever that action may be, should require minimal steps. According to a reputable survey, marketers who reduced the process of subscribing from nine steps to three experienced an increase of three hundred percent in the subscription rate.

Opt-in forms should collect enough personal information in order for marketers to match it to more relevant emails. However, too much required personal information may also be a deterrent for reluctant readers. The mandatory fields on the opt-in forms should be marked with asterisk, while all other fields should be visibly marked as "optional".

Opt-in forms must include a "reset" or "update" button for the reader that wishes to make changes. In addition, there should be an easy way to set a password along with a link for retrieving the password if it is forgotten. Such links should be easily noticeable on every page of the website and on every email and e-newsletter.

To ensure that the company's email stands out from all the other emails, the sender must be recognized at a quick glance and the subject line must be eye-catching. All emails should be text as well as HTML based and include the web version of the email. All emails should be printer friendly or allow for a print friendly version to be opened by a single click of the mouse.

To avoid seeming unprofessional and frustrating recipients and readers, every link must be tested before transmission. Companies must anticipate their readers' expectations and everything they could or might want should be within arms reach. Many marketers choose to forgo the "Unsubscribe" option, but that is a grave mistake that will cost them their readers' trust. As a matter of fact, the option to opt-out or unsubscribe should be every bit as accessible as is the option to opt-in.

By Richard Harley

About the author

I have farmed most of my life, worked for a John Deere dealer as a mechanic, drove semi trucks for 30 years, worked in a factory, been working on the Internet for 18 years, I love helping others make money on the Internet. I like traveling, camping, good movies, being with good friends and family.
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Making the Email Subscription Process Easier by:Richard Harley Tehran