» Internet Insurance » Drive People Away From Your Website With 3 Dim-Witted Components by:Michael Cheney
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Drive People Away From Your Website With 3 Dim-Witted Components by:Michael Cheney

Drive People Away From Your Website With 3 Dim-Witted Components by:Michael Cheney



And your visitors are off looking for another site to visit.

That fast! Believe it or not, that is how fast you can drive people away from your website. Your readers will be on their way to checking out other websites even before you can finish saying the word "POOF".

How did this happen? There are three components why your website is scaring visitors off and driving them away.

Font Sizes.

You have the notion that using beautiful fonts on your website will blow your readers away. It is true, fonts can blow people away, but not always in the good sense.

It is said that most people read words through visual appearance. The font with which words are written is important because it can determine ease or difficulty in reading. Using big and small fonts at the same time can cause more difficulty than ease if not done properly.

Do not strain your readers by shifting from large to small font all at the same time. Reading these fonts take more effort. Consider ease when using fonts at all times. Try out different fonts before deciding which ones can be read easily or can even be pleasing to the eyes of your visitors.

Pop Ups.

No one likes pop up windows. Again, NOBODY likes pop up windows. They are not only irritating; they are also time "snatchers". This basically means that people do not have time to beat around the bush to find answers to their needs.

It is understandable that you cannot put all advertisements or information in your website. It is also understandable that you need to market some goods, products or affiliates. But what is not understandable is having to put all these in pop ups. It will only drive your readers away.

One or two pop ups is fine. More than that is way excessive. Just make sure that these pop up windows will be read. Its purpose will go to waste if they are closed instantly or worst, banned as spam.

Background Slide Shows or Music.

It is true that most people love music and movies. It is not true that most of them love seeing them on business websites. Although it does make a website lively, it also can distract your readers from their original purpose of being in your website.

There is also the possibility that most people do not have the fastest internet connection. And that they do not have the software you use for those media. Chances are, these that part of you site does not work.

Again, these things will just serve as a big distraction if they do not readers away first. It is always best to remember that customers are busy people. They want to get right down to business. Keep this in mind and give them what they really need right off.

One poof, two poofs, three poofs and the fourth poof will be accompanied with the sound of your website going down the drain. It is really that easy to drive visitors away from your website.

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About the author

Michael Cheney is a British Internet Marketer who lives in Aberden, United Kingdom. He has been providing coaching products to other internet marketers and has appeared on the CNBC business channel and BBC radio doing interviews for several business talk shows.
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Drive People Away From Your Website With 3 Dim-Witted Components by:Michael Cheney