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Internet Network Marketing - Why You Need A Website by:Toki Tover

Internet Network Marketing - Why You Need A Website by:Toki Tover

It's obvious that if you don't have a website then it's going to be pretty tough to do business online

. And I'm going to briefly tell you why the company provided website will never work to build your business online.

The company provided website is useful as a tool to educate your prospects once you have already captured their information and they are in your campaign. That's about it. The reason why you need your own website is because you HAVE to position yourself as different from everyone else. Otherwise, what reasons do people have to join you?

Remember the reasons why people would join you in your business? How different are you if you go and enter your name in a form to get the same website everyone else and their uncle has? You're not very different. Furthermore, those websites are not capture pages. They do not generate leads. Make no mistake, the most important thing to grow and expand your business is to constantly be generating new leads. Endless leads means endless business growth. When you discover how you can create endless leads at will, you created a system that will produce you endless money at will.

Hands down, that is the essence of what network marketing is about. It's all about the leads. So the reason why most company specific pages don't work is because:

1. They are terrible at generating leads. They have poor lead conversion rates.

2. They are mass duplicated systems, meaning everyone knows they are basically going to get the same thing. They are going to opt in and get the same boring emails about the company's financial history, the market trends, and the same stuff they hear from every other company.

3. The auto responder system set up on those pages will not suffice to do the job we need to get done. Plus the page is not capturing leads anyway, and I would never spend my hard earned money to send people to my website if the website was only a fraction as productive as one I could build myself.

Hence the reason you need to create your own website.

Now there are two different versions of websites that you can create for our purposes of capturing leads on the internet. I am going to cover them both and tell you what situations you want to use them both in.

1. A squeeze page. A squeeze page is a website that is 100% created with the purpose of doing nothing other then capturing a lead. It is meant to squeeze a person's information in the quickest and most effective way possible. Squeeze pages are well oiled funnels that lead a person directly to the desired action you want them to take. In this case, it is leaving their contact information in exchange for the information they want from you.

2. A content page. A content page is more like your typical full blown website. A content page is generally less productive at converting leads, but very useful for many reasons none the less. In particular when it comes to generating a certain type of traffic which I will be talking about later on. Not only that but you can load your content page with all sorts of ways to capture people's emails and generate opt ins. Once you have the trafficthe possibilities are endless.

In order to do internet network marketing successful I suggest you personally create both of these different types of websites. Your priority however, is absolutely on a squeeze page.

If you just had a squeeze page, you could still get by A LOT better, but a full blown content website comes in very handy on the back end of your campaign. A content website is essential for one other task, and that is Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is a term that stands for your website being ranked highly in the major search engines. Since search engines are getting very competitive now a days, the only way sites get ranked very highly at all is by having LOTS of relevant and targeted information.

A squeeze page would never do it. So if you want to take total advantage of the internet to build a network marketing organization, I recommend tackling both of these website projects and utilizing all of it to its fullest potential.

About the author

Toki Tover is a leading online marketer with the Global Resorts Network. She trains and mentors others in creating wealth-on-demand through "personal branding" using cutting-edge marketing systems and video. See examples of Toki's personal branding techniques at her Global Resorts web site: .
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Internet Network Marketing - Why You Need A Website by:Toki Tover