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Mike Dillards Magnetic Sponsoring Review by:Eric Sharkey

Mike Dillards Magnetic Sponsoring Review by:Eric Sharkey

This is my personal take on Magnetic Sponsoring and what I believe to be the pro's and con's of the material.


In 2002 I decided to venture in to a network marketing business. It all seemed so easy on the surface to sponsor reps and have them do the same. I tried every technique I could from flyers to warm market prospecting, PPC ads, banner ads, traffic exchanges, SEO optimization and many more. Needless to say I did actually sponsor reps but my advertising expense ate up every bit of profit I was taking in. Some months my advertising expense was close to ten thousand dollars.

All of my upline leaders told me I was an "ace" and to just keep doing what I was doing. From time to time they would call me and tell me about some new advertising that worked really well and for me to give it a try. Guess what, Thoes same people had their hand in the cookie jar of this new form of advertising so they were getiing paid to refer me. Thats not really such a bad concept if they were truely trying to assist me with my business, however I found over time it was just another way for my upline to profit at my expense.

Luckily a friend sent me a link to Mike Dillards video bootcamp which was a 7 day free video series on network marketing.

I saw a genuine, down to earth approach to marketing online which compelled me to actually purchase the Magnet Sponsoring Course. First, I realized Mike Dillard did not patronize his clients and I liked that. Second, he said this material will contradict what most network marketers believe to be sound prospecting and lead generation techniques.

With in 4 weeks of purchasing the course I managed to personally sponsor 6 new reps utilizing Mike Dillards approach. The best part is now my leads pay me! Purchasing Mike Dillard's book for $37 has proved to be one of the best business investments I've made. The cost even includes a powerful online back-office. In his book, Magnetic Sponsoring, Mike Dillard teaches you, the network marketer, how to apply the proper marketing strategies that will turn you into a magnetic sponsor. In his words, "you become the hunted and not the hunter".

You can get Magnetic Sponsoring in an ebook form or have it mailed to your home as a paperback book. Included in this package are some extremly useful extras wich you can dowload.

Mike Dillard, like so many of us, admits to being a failure at network marketing when he initially started. But was thoroughly convinced that the method of marketing called 'network marketing' was basically sound, and that if he was going to succeed he'd have to take accountability for his failure, and really educate himself on how to become a profitable Internet marketer.

His first step was to quit his job as a surgeon recruiter for many hospitals, and become a table waiter so that he could pursue his career in network marketing. The move turned out to be the appropriate one as he discovered what he call "sellucation", that's his phrase for the art of people self-selling themselves through education.

It worked so well that he sponsored over 500 people within a few months, and averaged over $500,000 dollars per in volume sales.

Since then he's risen to the dizzy heights of being a top respected network marketing leader, and spends his time training his strategies of marketing and magnetic sponsoring.

His teachings can be useful to your MLM business, network marketing business, Internet marketing business, affiliate business, or any other business you're running, to make sure there is growth and constant cash flow.

Though it might take a little time to fully understand how to apply Magnetic Sponsoring to my business, it was not difficult, and I believe that people with little or no experience in business should not have any problems applying Mike's strategies.

The 'back office' is available to those who purchase Magnet Sponsoring, and it's very detailed with sections on 'Getting Started', 'My Prospects', 'My Traffic, My Commissions, and much, much more, and all included in the initial purchase price; now that's what I call value.

And "over the top" value is what you get, with a newsletter, and staff ready to help when and where needed.

Based on Mike Dillard's claims that he makes in his free 7-day boot-camp training, and in his Magnetic Sponsoring, I think he gives far more worth than the price leads one to believe, and it wouldn't shock me if the price increased sometime in the future.

Whichever business you're participating in, MLM, network marketing, Internet marketing, affiliate marketing, you already know that you need leads to generate prospects, and in order to accomplish that you must advertise and/or buy leads, but by following Mike Dillard's strategies in Magnetic Sponsoring you generate cash to fund your advertising, without spending yourself out of business.

My ratings for Magnetic Sponsoring on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the best.

Value=10 (for $37 you simply cant go wrong and watch the 7 day bootcamp free before you buy)

Content=8 (great infomation but leaves you with some unanswered questions)

Support = ? (have not used the support staff but I understand they have timely responses)

Back Office = 9 (for the money it's pretty darn good! No additional monthly fees)

Training = 9 (periodic webinars and email tips to assist are helpful with the ability to submit your own specific questions)

Affiliate program = 10 (Yes, I rated this a 10 even though you essentially help Mike Dillards business in the process. The end result is generating an income from people who do not join your primary network marketing business. This is where most marketers fail so a 10 is justified in my humble opinion)

About the author

By Eric Sharkey - Network marketing leader. Click this link to learn more about Magnetic Sponsoring and get the free 7 day video bootcamp. Http://pctdistribution.Magneticsponsoringonline.Com
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Mike Dillards Magnetic Sponsoring Review by:Eric Sharkey