» Life Insurance » Know about a good life insurance agent
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Know about a good life insurance agent

Know about a good life insurance agent

Life insurance agent- Tips to become a good insurance agent

A good insurance agent should be excellent sale person with a pleasing personality. The insurance agent must possess superior mathematical skills and constantly keep up-to-date on any changes within the insurance industry.

1. The agent should be familiar with health, life as well as vehicle insurance plans and also know the accidental claim policy.

2. The insurance agent must have a graduation in business or economics. Insurance companies which hired the agent must know the maths, accounts, economics and with Pleasing personality.

3. The agent must also familiar with computer.

4. Should have part time during his/her study time.

5. Must clear the exam and get his code no. so that he can individually tell someone about the plan.

Insurance agents can be paid a salary. They are paid on salary basis plus how much plan they sold in month will get as commission.

Expect to work occasional evenings and weekends, when meetings and selling policy to new people.

The most important goal of a life insurance agent is obviously to generate sufficient sales commissions to cover life as well as personal expenses and still have enough left over to make a profit

There are two objectives which the agent should keep in mind

1. acquire maximum new customers as possible

2 Keep as many of those customers as possible

once the goal is broken down into attainable objectives, the agent can then design the required daily or weekly activities to acquire 5 new customers every month.

some few tips of insurance agent

1. The insurance agent should be reliable as well as trustworthy :

These two qualities should be there that are more important than trust and reliability when it comes to life insurance. While talking to new customers he can show his card (insurance card no.) which you feel is right. The agent is reliable. It comes when he is selling plans and people also know him very nice.

2. The agent must complete his work or before meeting the buyer.

Know about a good life insurance agent

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Know about a good life insurance agent