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Master Site Manager Makes SEO Tracking EASY by:Nicole Munoz

Master Site Manager Makes SEO Tracking EASY by:Nicole Munoz

Remember the Psychic Friends Network and Miss Cleo

? They got tons of business for a few years and fooled a lot of people before they were found out. They were reading from scripts! With SEO and domain management, it would be extremely lucrative to have the skills of a psychic. You'd be able to anticipate your competitors' next moves, optimize your site so it appears at the top of the search engines, or know when one of your sites suddenly goes offline. Well, you can be almost as intuitive as a psychic with an SEO and domain management service bundled into one single source:!

SEO, or search engine optimization, can be an elusive craft because it is ever-changing and requires constant adjustment. Since the learning curve is something difficult to keep up with, many business owners outsource these services to a Webmaster or SEO marketing professional. It's a great feeling to know that you're in good hands when it comes to your site rankings. With Master Site Manager (MSM), I knew from day 1 that I was well-taken care of. There was a very small learning curve because after I logged in, I was able to access their online tour of the site and read their extensive FAQ section that explained most of the rest. Once I jumped in, I found the site very intuitive to use (and, no, I'm not a psychic)!

Trends are vital pieces of data bits when it comes to SEO tracking. Most other services I've used gave me a weekly trend report of what my sites were doing in the search engines for the prior 7 days. It is a good way of seeing stats on a short-term basis. But even better are the long-term trends that are reported back to me by Master Site Manager. From the very first day I became a member and entered in my keyword and site information, the site kept track of how everything was performing. I can look at the big picture and see what's been happening over the last month or even over the past year.

Links, links, linksI count them at night instead of sheep! Nothing makes me lose shut eye like my site dropping off of the search engine rankings for no logical reason. With MSM, I can track back links in all of the major search engines including Google, Yahoo, and MSN. I can also track my pages that have been indexed, see my keyword rankings as well as my overall page rank. I am a visual person who likes to see descriptive pictures. With MSM I get a visual graph, not just a bunch of numbers, so it is super easy to see how things are doing at a glance.

The easiest part about SEO tracking with Master Site Manager is that I didn't have to commit to anything right away. With only $1 I tried out their services for 21 days to see if they really could give me one easy place to get the data I needed. And their packages are priced so that I get the most services for the least cost. Not only do I have that, but they have given me peace of mind knowing that my sites, SEO ranking, keywords, and domains are all being tracked for me 24 hours a day. They're not psychics, but their peace of mind gives me tangible results and I can sleep better at nightI can't say the same about Miss Cleo and her "friends"!

About the author

it would be extremely lucrative to have the skills of a psychic. You'd be able to anticipate your competitors' next moves, optimize your site so it appears at the top of the search engines, or know when one of your sites suddenly goes offline. Well, you can be almost as intuitive as a psychic with an SEO and domain management service bundled into one single source:!

SEO, or search engine optimization, can be an elusive craft because it is ever-changing and requires constant adjustment. Since the learning curve is something difficult to keep up with, many business owners outsource these services to a Webmaster or SEO marketing professional. It's a great feeling to know that you're in good hands when it comes to your site rankings. With Master Site Manager (MSM), I knew from day 1 that I was well-taken care of. There was a very small learning curve because after I logged in, I was able to access their online tour of the site and read their extensive FAQ section that explained most of the rest. Once I jumped in, I found the site very intuitive to use (and, no, I'm not a psychic)!

Trends are vital pieces of data bits when it comes to SEO tracking. Most other services I've used gave me a weekly trend report of what my sites were doing in the search engines for the prior 7 days. It is a good way of seeing stats on a short-term basis. But even better are the long-term trends that are reported back to me by Master Site Manager. From the very first day I became a member and entered in my keyword and site information, the site kept track of how everything was performing. I can look at the big picture and see what's been happening over the last month or even over the past year.

Links, links, linksI count them at night instead of sheep! Nothing makes me lose shut eye like my site dropping off of the search engine rankings for no logical reason. With MSM, I can track back links in all of the major search engines including Google, Yahoo, and MSN. I can also track my pages that have been indexed, see my keyword rankings as well as my overall page rank. I am a visual person who likes to see descriptive pictures. With MSM I get a visual graph, not just a bunch of numbers, so it is super easy to see how things are doing at a glance.

The easiest part about SEO tracking with Master Site Manager is that I didn't have to commit to anything right away. With only $1 I tried out their services for 21 days to see if they really could give me one easy place to get the data I needed. And their packages are priced so that I get the most services for the least cost. Not only do I have that, but they have given me peace of mind knowing that my sites, SEO ranking, keywords, and domains are all being tracked for me 24 hours a day. They're not psychics, but their peace of mind gives me tangible results and I can sleep better at nightI can't say the same about Miss Cleo and her "friends"!

ns are all being tracked for me 24 hours a day. They're not psychics, but their peace of mind gives me tangible results and I can sleep better at nightI can't say the same about Miss Cleo and her "friends"!
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Master Site Manager Makes SEO Tracking EASY by:Nicole Munoz