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The Second C of Email Management: Communication by:Deb LaQua

The Second C of Email Management: Communication by:Deb LaQua

Once you start building a list, you need to communicate with them on a regular basis

. A great way to do that is by using your autoresponder.

You want the people on your list to grow to know, like and trust you. That's the basis of community-building.

Write Your First Autoresponder Emails BEFORE You Have A List

Timing is a key here. You can't wait to write your first few emails to put into your autoresponder until you have a reasonable sized list. Your first subscriber needs to be greeted immediately by your welcome email, and then recieve regular communication from you.

One of the worst things you can do to a person who has asked to receive information from you is to ignore them.

So start by writing some emails, and THEN put up your opt-in page!

What Should You Write in Your Email?

Most importantly, you want to deliver great content that is on the same topic your subscriber is expecting.

Every so often, talk about a product or service for sale. But don't just make every email a sales pitch!

Remember that your list is made up of a whole bunch of individuals. Personalize your emails with each subscriber's first name, and write to one person at a time.

Each email should ask for one action, or Most Wanted Response. Don't confuse your reader by asking them to check out a number of sites, or decide whether to click to your blog or to the sales page for a product you are offering.

Do you have time-sensitive information for your list? Breaking news they'll want to hear? That's when you do a 'broadcast' email that goes out on the day you select rather than in a pre-programmed sequence (like the emails you put in your autoresponder sequence).

Remember that the people on your list are your most valuable resource in your business. Appreciate them, give them great content, and stay in touch with them.

About the author

Start building the foundation for future successes by setting up your opt-in box and autoresponder now. To get started sooner instead of later, you'll want to check out for ideas on maximizing your list-building efforts to create Money on Demand.

And while you are there, check out the additional tools, techniques and shortcuts available on to help you to hit the ground running with your online business.
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The Second C of Email Management: Communication by:Deb LaQua