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The 5 C's of Email Management & Integrated Marketing by:Deb LaQua

The 5 C's of Email Management & Integrated Marketing by:Deb LaQua

Effective and efficient use of your email management system goes way beyond simply building a list of prospects.

If you choose the right autoresponder system and plan for business growth, you can automate five key aspects of your business.

The 5 C's of Email & List Management

1. Capture the names and email addresses of your visitors. This is the basis of building your list, and your list is a foundation of your successful business.

2. Conversation and your Communication. Strike up a conversation with people on your list. Communicate with them. Ask them questions. Listen to them.And offer them content of value. After all, they trusted you enough to give you their contact information, so show that you are trustworthy by providing information, products and services that they will find valuable.

3. Community-Building comes next. It seems that more, now than ever before, people want to experience a sense of community on the internet. Witness the meteoric growth of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. You will want to foster a sense of community in your communication with your prospects and customers, too.

4. Conversion. You can use your autoresponder system to convert your visitors into prospects, your prospects into one-time buyers, your one-time buyers into multiple-time buyers, then into raving fans. And finally into business partners.

5. Continuity and Continuance. Your email management system and list of customers and prospects is an entry point to a much larger business picture, if you set your systems up the right way in the beginning.

Don't make the mistake of seeing your autoresponder system simply as a way to move people on and off of your list. It is so very much more!

About the author

To learn more about managing your email system, you'll want to check out for ideas on maximizing your list-building efforts to create Money on Demand.

And while you are there, check out the additional tools, techniques and shortcuts available on to help you to hit the ground running with your online business.
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The 5 C's of Email Management & Integrated Marketing by:Deb LaQua