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Nine Things You Should Know About Yoga for Children by:Paul M. Jerard Jr.

Here are some guidelines and realistic expectations for parents, who are considering Yoga for their children. For your child, Yoga is much more than a kid's fitness class. Just like adults -- kids need time to learn to deal with life's daily pressures, too. Make sure your child starts with easy postures, and be patient with your child's progress. Some beginner children can often be more flexible than advanced adult Yoga...more

Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 4 by:Paul M. Jerard Jr.

Chair Yoga can easily work in harmony with most physical rehabilitation prescriptions. Many physical therapists have knowledge of Yoga or are teachers of Yoga. Many doctors, physical therapists, and medical professionals recommend Yoga to patients who are making a "come back." Yoga gives these patients the strength to move ahead, when many would be discouraged. The comebacks that I have personally witnessed are inspiring to me as a Yoga teacher. ...more

Confessions of a Yoga Teacher by:Paul M. Jerard Jr.

The following are questions that Yoga teachers still need to answer, despite overwhelming evidence that Yoga is "the mother of all health maintenance systems." Mainstream thought is finally catching up, with the progress Yoga is making, but it has taken 5,000 years for us to get this far. Seriously, How Can Yoga Make You Lose Weight? Finally, some of the "Yoga and Weight Loss" studies have come in, and even, a little bit of Yoga is much better, than none, for weight control, but there are a number of reasons why. Yoga is a lifestyle change that includes a safe diet; exercise, adjusting posture, breathing, and a whole lot more. Most of the Yoga practitioners, I know, consume more water, eat more moderately, and take more care of their bodies, in comparison to the many who don't want to leave the couch. Aren't you supposed to jump up and down for at least a half-hour per day to exercise enough to lose weight? Maybe the masses have been "brain washed" into thinking that you have to feel the pain, suffer, starve, and have a near death experience, to lose weight. Depending upon your size, the average person, in a moderate Hatha yoga class, is burning in the neighborhood of 200...more

Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 2 by:Paul M. Jerard Jr.

We have all heard the saying, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Those words are extremely profound, when thinking about correcting poor posture and alignment. It takes years to create poor alignment.Therefore, poor posture cannot be corrected in a single day. A more appropriate saying, when thinking about posture and alignment might be, "The...more

The Truth About Vinyasa Yoga by:Paul M. Jerard Jr.

Vinyasa is a Sanskrit word, which refers to breath and movement. For example each Yoga posture is matched by one breath. This is what you do when you perform Sun or Moon salutations, and these are also a form of Vinyasa Yoga. So, any sequences of postures that are synchronized, with your breath are classified as Vinyasa. There are many forms of...more

Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 3 by:Paul M. Jerard Jr.

Flexibility is considered to be a "by product" of Yoga practice, but in the case of Chair Yoga, it is often "down played" or taken for granted. Since most Chair Yoga enthusiasts are seniors, the true value of flexibility is mobility. When you consider that mobility for seniors can be the difference between dependence and independence, flexibility is now of extreme value. The following is an observation I have made after working with groups from assisted living complexes, adult day care centers, nursing homes, and seniors centers. The average mobile senior citizen is much more flexible in the hips, spine, wrists, and shoulders, than his or her dependent counterpart. Just crossing the legs can be difficult for the clients I work with in a nursing home. Students in Chair Yoga classes learn a variety of exercises that will "free up" many of the major joints. Many students also remark how pain, from a variety of ailments, is much more manageable, after practicing Chair Yoga. Increased range of motion makes a difference, when reaching for anything. It also helps to prevent injuries that can occur from strain or a possible fall. If a senior falls, there is certainly the potential that the...more

Christian Yoga? by:Paul M. Jerard Jr.

There is an interesting article in the September 5th issue of Time magazine. This particular article covers a spectrum of opinions about mixing Christianity with Yoga. Even, if you don't agree with a single opinion, it's a good read, as...more

Overcoming Obstacles In Practicing Yoga by:Gavin Dye

Anyone embarking on the journey of yoga will face a series of obstacles, difficulties and detours. You will need to remove all of the following difficulties, noticed by yoga practitioners for a long time, in order to be able to fully benefit from the...more

Breathing With Yoga

Yoga deals with the spirit and mind. Yoga helps to reduce stress. When a person feels relentless thoughts turn in his/her mind, and finds it difficult to shut off the valves, thus it is an apparent sign of stress.When a person takes care of his/her...more

Benefits Of Glucosamine

Glucosamine is a molecule which is available from glucosamine sulfate. It is considered to be the most effective when used in osteoarthritis. It has also shown its result in diseases like Crohns disease. It is a substance which is present naturally...more

Everything to know before your first YOGA class

Author: David RyskaIf you're already practicing yoga, share this with a friend to help in get started!Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax. If the idea of going to a new yoga class has you nervous and somewhat stressed, read on. We know it can be a...more

Modern Yoga-The 5 Basic Principles

Author: Sandra R. InfingerIt is argued among scholars that the earliest signs of yoga were evidenced in the stone seals discovered at Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300-1700 B.C.E.) sites in Pakistan.  Figures were depicted in positions resembling a...more
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