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Turning Heads with Holiday Television Ads

Turning Heads with Holiday Television Ads

Turning Heads with Holiday Television Ads

There's no question that the competition for television audience heats up every holiday season. Marketers are constantly vying for the most innovative ways to connect with those critical target consumers that can make or break a company's holiday. As advertising shifts towards the digital realm, television ads give companies the opportunity to showcase their hottest new products or services while directing their audience to their online space.

Here are a couple of the trends that have been seen so far this holiday season.

1) Resonating WithinTurning Heads with Holiday Television Ads

A recent study conducted by Ace Metrix found that varying demographics were able to connect with ads that evoked a response of heartwarming connectivity to the specific product during the holiday season. Coca-Cola is famous for its ability to connect its Coke product with Santa, which relates directly to television audiences year in and year out.

While Coca Cola is a unique example due to its size and market share, the research found that companies that stick to advertisements for a broader demographic have had better luck this season. And, of course, a way to gain that broad demographic appeal is to somehow evoke human emotion that resonates across various demographics!

2) Live Action vs. Animation

While discussing holiday television ads, another good topic is that of brand recall. With the advancements in technology over the years, companies and agencies have been designing animated ads to save time, money and to expand on creative freedom. Recent research from Nielsen, however, has found that more individuals are able to recall the specific product and company associated with live action ads than with animated ads. In fact, live action ads scored 22 percent higher than animation-only ads in brand recall.

A perfect example of the effect live action ads can have when resonating with television audience is in the personal care category, where brand recall was often twice as high compared to animated ads. In contrast, animated ads resonated better when on the topic of groceries and various CPG categories.

So next time you're relaxing on your couch watching "The Sing Off" or football, take note of the commercials airing. Do you feel they appeal to various demographics? Do you think you are able to recall more live action or animated commercials? How do you think these may affect consumer purchase decisions?
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