Tips On Visiting A Doctor After An Accident

Share: Immediately after an accident, it is natural to feel upset and shaken and unable to think things through
. Even if you do not feel any significant pain, visiting a doctor is the best thing to do because your injuries can be assessed and it also gives you some time to calm down. More importantly, as any Vancouver icbc lawyer will testify, the doctors report plays a major role in determining how your claim gets settled by icbc. For this reason, your family doctor is the best person to see after an accident because he or she is completely familiar with your health condition and therefore, is in a better position to accurately report your complaints arising from the accident. Going to a new doctor or visiting a walk-in clinic is more likely to result in a doctors report that is not thorough enough. Here are a few pointers on what to tell your doctor.
Time and Nature of the Accident
If your accident has been a severe one, leaving you so injured as to be immobile, it is quite likely that someone else transports you to a doctor and fills him or her in on the details of the accident. If you make the visit on your own, make sure you provide accurate details of what exactly happened and how long ago you were hurt. This is important because it helps your doctor reach an exact diagnosis of what your problem is. Some injuries that are internal in nature will not be visible from the outside but when you describe your symptoms, the doctor can link them with the problem.
Be Precise in Describing Your Complaints

Share: Most doctors are quite busy and do not have time to chat up patients; as a result, they may appear curt in communication. But do not take this personally; rather, concentrate on providing specific information of your health complaints. Another mistake that many people make is to understate their symptoms. If you have a severe pain in the knee, do not rationalize about it thinking that it is just your arthritis acting up. Tell the doctor you have arthritis and that you feel a severe pain finding out if this is because of the arthritis or the accident is the doctors job and only he or she is best qualified to do it.
Make sure you tell the doctor about the smallest of symptoms an occasional tingling sensation in the feet, or a headache that comes and goes a few times during the day. Often, it is these small things that can be a pointer to a major health condition. If you are emotionally upset with the accident, or feel depressed after it, tell the doctor about that too.
Of course, you also need to consult a Vancouver ICBC lawyer because there will be insurance and compensation issues to sort out but it helps to remember that your doctors report is going to play an important role here too. Therefore, make it a point to see a doctor straight away and give him relevant information.
by: Michelvar Smith
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