The Top Four Key Points About The Ohio Health Insurance Exchange

Share: Have you been watching the news, and or reading the latest updates on the web about health insurance coverage
, and state-run health insurance exchanges? If you have, then you know that there are many things changing from the way that health insurance Ohio has been running up to this point. Will every citizen of the United States, not just Ohio, be forced to purchase health insurance? This is a constant question on many citizens minds today. According to the Protection and Affordable Care Act, Ohio must have their own health insurance exchange by January 1, 2014 or else they will use the program that the federal government has already devised.
What is the health exchange going to look like for Ohio health insurance? The health exchange program will give citizens from Ohio access to an online site that will create and compare every health insurance plan available to them. The person can then choose the health insurance plan that they can afford and that meets their individual needs. The government is asking every state to create their online site, so that people will have easy access to purchasing a plan if the mandate is passed. As the health exchange continues to evolve here are 5 things you must know to make an educated decision when it comes to your health insurance:
1. Passing the mandate will allow employers the opportunity to give their employees the plan that works best for them, and not just the plan that works for the company as a whole.
2. There will be a large variety of plans and carriers for people to choose from when purchasing Ohio health insurance. Available as well, will be plans with an assortment of benefits. These plans are known as platinum, gold, silver and bronze plans.

Share: 3. All the plans offered to individuals and small groups must include essential health benefits. Essential health benefits must encompass preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic services in at least ten categories of care. Every state can decide what benefits they see as essential.
4. Since not every person is versed in health insurance Ohio and will know what the best plan is for them, it is essential that they look to a qualified broker to assist them in obtaining health insurance.
Take the time today to learn more about health insurance Ohio and the effect that the health insurance exchange will have on you. Know what steps you can take to ensure that you have an affordable plan that meets all of your needs. Get in touch with a broker you trust to answer any questions that you may have and to get you started with a plan today.
by: Onesource Benefits
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