The 4 Steps That 100% Of The Mlm Industry Leaders Use

Share: Everyone who signs up to try a network marketing or MLM business
, innocently believes their sponsor when they are told it is easy. They are exposed to someone who had overnight success in their particular company. They do not realize that those who have the most dramatic results are people who have been in the industry for years. It doesn't take long to figure out these 4 huge problems faced by new network marketers.
But for those who really try to learn the ropes by following their sponsors advice and making a list and learning all about the product, it really does not take long to realize the biggest hurdles that they face. Using the old school methods that most network marketers are taught forces you to endure a major amount of rejection. That is not your sponsors fault because it is all that they were taught.
In this modern technological age we are in, the Internet is too powerful of a tool to overlook when you consider that, if used correctly, you can target, qualify, educate, and provide solutions for prospects on auto-pilot. Thereby eliminating the 4 obstacles in every new network marketers path to success.
Those problems are :
1. Lack of leads
2. Lack of money
3. Lack of duplication
4. Lack of retention
The first problem usually shows up when your "warm list" is about half way used up and your success rates are not what you expected. Almost all sponsors tell you that your first step is to write down your "warm list" ie: family, friends, anybody else you have a phone number for or who knows your name, and start getting in touch with them. But, once your list is gone, how will you proceed? Some people will use flyers at the local mall and/or go online and buy a list of leads.
Most people don't realize that by calling and visiting everyone you know to try to convince them that they need your product or to start their own business, is a lot like being a door to door salesman. People don't like to be sold to, even if it is from a friend or relative.
There is a 3 foot rule that entails trying to turn every meeting you have, whether by appointment or by chance, into a business pitch. This practice is no better than a street vendor trying to holler over the traffic noise.
When you buy a lead list online you are getting some leads that have been sold over and over and calling them up to try to act like a telemarketer. You may not have thought about it this way but if you were to think about it I know you would agree on all of the above.
The second problem usually sets in fairly quickly because, everyone who starts their own home based business, does so to make money and all they have been doing is spending it. It is one thing to buy the products, and quite another to have to buy extra product to "place" with prospects and then need to purchase CD's and other sales type products for your business.
The average paycheck in network marketing is $43 per month and this is way less than the products you need to buy to stay qualified for commissions. So, a lot of people will drop out before they go broke.
Problem 3 really happens a lot because, with this method, not many of your sign-ups will work as hard as you. Not to mention the pressure that huge amounts of rejection places on you and your friends. These methods really only work for about 10 to 15% of the people out there who have a sales type personality and a lot of those will turn down new opportunities because every friend they ever had brings their great plans to them first.
Problem 4 - Retention is tied in with duplication because when your marketing plan really has nothing to do with proper marketing techniques and there is no real system and people are not making money, they will start dropping out faster than you can sign them up.
But there is an easy way to fix all of this and it is really only a 4 step process. The first step is training and when you get it right and concentrate on the other three steps, you not only will not have to deal with rejection ever again but you will have a proper marketing plan that will allow you to move along in a positive direction with your home based business.
The other 3 steps are:
1. Build a list
2. Build a relationship with those on that list
3. Monetize the list
The Internet is where to find your prospects because everyone who wants to find something these days looks there first. Information is the answer and there is plenty of that online. Instead of going after people who are not interested, doesn't it make sense to position yourself where those who are looking online can find you?
With the right training it is easy to place yourself where you can be found. All you have to do is provide solutions for those who are searching. You will get so many people leaving their info for you that you will need an auto-responder service to keep up and follow up with all of them. With an auto-responder you can set up many emails that go out on pre-scheduled days automatically.
If you get effective training on many ways to build a list of prospects and are able to find success with one method after another until you have a marketing plan that is gathering 30-50-or 100 leads per day and your auto-responder followed up with them on a regular basis, this would give you a never-ending source of qualified leads.
With a list of people who left their info for you because you got their interest, you would have some great prospects for your MLM business. If your service sends them really helpful tools and resources, which are sites that pay you for promoting them, then you are monetizing your list and building a relationship with them at the same time.
It is a really simple plan and it is how many industry leaders have gotten where they are at. With research, you will find many leaders that say, "the money is in the list." This is what they are talking about.
I would also like for you to think about one more thing when it comes to a marketing plan. A mediocre product with a great marketing plan will always outsell a great product that only has a mediocre marketing plan. For proof of that, just think--McDonalds. Could you make a better burger than McDonalds? Of course you can, but their marketing plan has enabled them to sell billions of them.
by: Dan Lambeth
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