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Staying In Hostels While On Travel

Staying In Hostels While On Travel

. This is somewhat unfortunate because hostels are a great way for students and others on a budget to see the world. But, what exactly are hostels and why are they so popular? Let's take a brief look at the hostel industry and why they are frequented by thousands of people every year.

Hostels are essentially dormitories where a person can rent a room with a bed for a very inexpensive price. The bathrooms, lounge areas, and kitchens are shared with other residents of the hostel. This collective environment dramatically reduces the costs of travel and creates opportunities that would otherwise not exist. That is, some individuals simply could not afford to rent a hotel room for $120 a night. A $30 a night hostel however, falls in the range of affordability.

Best of all, such low cost accommodations do not come with any sacrifice of quality. In other words, you will not have to worry about a lack of cleanliness or lack of security. Hostels are quite will maintained and offer a friendly, inviting environment. This is why they are so popular and have remained so for many years.

Hostels originally started in the early 1900's in Europe. The governing idea behind hostels was the notion that they would provide a way for poor city youth to experience life outside of the cities. In time, the concept of hostels expanded to include anyone who wished to stay in a hostel while vacationing. Of course, this concept also expanded outside of Europe and there are now hostels all over the world. There is really no location in the world that does not have a hostel in the vicinity to cater to vacationers who desire these accommodations.

It would also be a misconception to assume that hostels only cater to a certain age range. Yes, it is true that many young people, college students and backpackers will flock to hostels due to their low prices. However, there is no age limit at most hostels so there is no need to assume that one will be precluded from making a booking due to age.

Also, do not assume that you do not need to plan for a hostel booking. The accommodations can fill up rather quickly. As such, it is best to make your bookings long in advance as possible. Just like hotels, the busier the season, the quicker they will book up.

by: Ryan Round
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Staying In Hostels While On Travel Shanghai