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A Simple Alternative Cure for all Cancers, that works

Author: Alan Wighton

Author: Alan Wighton

If you or someone you care about is dealing with cancer, there is one thing you must do before you except any treatment and that is to apply some common sense to the problem. There is no way you should blindly trust the system that is employed to take care of you without some knowledge. All cancers are caused by a condition within the body that has allowed the cancer to grow and by just removing the growths, that doesnt remove the condition so that leaves it open for the cancer to return again. You havent addressed the root cause of the problem. Cancer generally develops slowly over many years before symptoms become apparent and can arise not just from a single factor like smoking but a combination of factors like alcohol, our sedentary lifestyle and bad diets as well as smoking. All cancers have many causes and it is far more important to address the cause of the problem than just remove the growths. By addressing the factors that have first caused the cancer that will allow the body to heal and its the body that will remove the cancer safely and without any side effects. There are many alternative cures for cancer and in choosing one make sure the information you are after includes the following; the diet is completely natural, there are no side effects, it will strengthen your body, especially the immune system, it incorporates some form of exercise and it will not be expensive. Exercise is a very important part in the recovery of cancer and walking is an excellent form of it. Besides getting fitter, you will find yourself with more energy during the day, sleep better at night and experience better blood circulation. Since cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygenated environment and healthy cells thrive on it, the increased level of oxygen being delivered through the blood stream is doing its part in the overall battle. Extensive research published in the last decade alone proves that what you eat can have a profound effect on your survival against cancer. Nutrition is the key to beating cancer and the only way to do that is with the correct food you choose to eat everyday, which will build up the immune system. Your body is a wonderful self healing organism when it has the right environment and only you that can provide it. There is no single item that will cure cancer, the only way is to remove its known causes and change the way you live and that must revolve around the necessities of life and they are; fresh air, clean water, sunshine, exercise, adequate rest and freshly grown unprocessed fruit and vegetables for food. Our natural food is fruit and vegetables, a few whole grains and nuts so doesnt that make sense? Many alternative approaches to the treatment of cancer have a much higher success rate than any approach offered by pharmaceutical companies. The simple facts are, there are genuine alternatives available for the treatment of all cancers but most doctors will have little to do with them because they are only trained in drug therapy. The human body can heal itself of cancer and the only side effects are improved well being. I am a great advocate of the Gerson Therapy which follows along the principals Ive mentioned above. This therapy can be carried out in the home, works with all cancers no matter where they are in the body and even with late stage cancer. It has been around since the 19:50s and has cured thousands of people. Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specialising in nutrition. He has researched all aspects of cancer and how our diet is closely related to the disease. For further information on more effective ways to overcome cancer using the powerful natural healing ability of the human body; please visit http://www.cancerhealed.comAbout the Author:

Alan Wighton has been interested in the subject of cancer for many years and is the author of the book "Cancer, its Causes and its Cure."

It was written to help people with cancer with information they weren't being given by their health professionals.
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A Simple Alternative Cure for all Cancers, that works