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Real Ways to Get Money Online

Real Ways to Get Money Online

Real Ways to Get Money Online

Real Ways to Get Money Online

If you are tired of scams, no result money making schemes and all the crap you find on the internet these days, these are real guys with real ways to make money that really helped me,

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To be successful selling online you need the following:

1. A product that people want to buy at a competitive price.

Seems like a no-brainer but I've seen a lot of people with a snazzy site but with a product that stinks. Do some competitive research, find out what other people are charging for a similar product. Also check out their shopping cart and site.

2. A call to action on your main page.

Don't use a flash intro and don't spend anytime on your front page doing anything but convincing people to buy your product, and give them a simple link to do so.

3. A way to let people find your site.

Just uploading a site and adding your URL to the search engines won't do it. You need to optimize your site for the search engines. Do a search for "SEO tips." You may want to consider buying relevant keywords through Google or Yahoo, just follow the links to advertise on those sites; you'll only have to pay for clicks. If you have a bigger budget you may want to consider finding an ad network and spending money to place your ad on other sites. Also do your best to get other people to link to you, either because they like your product or because you want to compensate them for traffic via an affiliate program (check or

4. Keep them coming back.

Gather emails from all customers and follow up with a monthly newsletter encouraging them to buy a complimentary product or an upgrade. Give them a discount on future purchases as well.

5. Measure your success.

Get a free web analytics package at and use it to see what's going on with your site. It will also help you track any advertising efforts. Test different landing pages or ads to see which perform best. See where your best converting traffic is coming from and spend more money on that channel.

If you do all these things you'll be successful. Try to find products that have good margins (especially things you can create yourself, like ebooks). With just a little maintenance you can let the site do the work for you.

If you are tired of scams, no result money making schemes and all the crap you find on the internet these days, these are real guys with real ways to make money that really helped me,

Click Here!
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