Possible Herpes Treatment Over The Counter Options To Alleviate Suffering

Share: The Herpes virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2, controllable with a herpes treatment over the counter
, is an unfortunately highly contagious virus with no cure. While Herpes simplex cannot be cured, long term symptoms and flare-ups, some quite painful, can certainly be managed with a wide variety of over the counter treatment options which include medications and ointments.
At Home Hygiene Treatments
The Herpes virus passes through active and inactive phases. When flare-ups occur during active cycles, maintaining good hygiene is very important. It is essential to avoid touching the sores and to keep the area clean, dry, and powder-free. Washing the area in lukewarm water and applying cornstarch may be helpful. Applying ice to cold sores during initial flare-ups may provide some relief. Wearing sun block over visible oral sores and wearing cotton loose clothing can help relieve genital sores. During outbreaks, avoid sex if infected with genital herpes sores and oral sex if infected with oral flare-ups.
Managing Symptoms with OTC Treatments

Share: A Herpes treatment over the counter can help lessen and manage both pain and outbreaks. Herpes outbreaks often accompany tender lymph nodes, fever, headaches and chills. Over the counter pain medications, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin can lessen pain and reduce fever and tenderness as sores form and break out.
A Herpes outbreak is generally signaled by a tingling in the affected oral or genital area, before producing blisters and sores. The sores may produce an itching or burning feeling that can be alleviated with a topical OTC ointment or healing cream. While cold sores typically do heal on their own, about 7 to 20 days after forming, they can be quite painful when present.
Topical ointments and creams can help reduce both the intensity of the sores as well as help accelerate healing. Anesthetic cold sore ointment such as Herpecil-L and Dynamiclear help protect the lip area and reduces chance of outbreak. Polysporin and Neosporin may also be useful for pain relief. Docosonal, available without a prescription throughout North America, is an antiviral medication used to help oral herpes sufferers recover.
OTC Herbal Treatments
There are also a wide variety of natural, herbal, reliable non-prescription products that are useful in lessening Herpes symptoms. Aloe vera, eucalyptus and tree oil have natural anti-viral properties that promote rapid cold sore healing. These substances should only be applied topically and never ingested. Applying a dropper of Echinacea is also helpful helping sores fade as rapidly as possible. Applying Vitamin E, B12 and Vitamin C can also prevent recurrent outbreaks from forming. When used in conjunction with another Herpes treatment over the counter, it can provide effective pain relief.
by: Cedric Welsch
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Possible Herpes Treatment Over The Counter Options To Alleviate Suffering Shanghai