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Louis Vuitton in London

Louis Vuitton in London

Peter feels quite satisfied when he has done his work

. It reflects the basic color of London in 21st century, integrating the three components innovation, heritage and fashion into one. As Peter Merino remarks, the new exclusive store, as it were, own the reputation as "the most luxury Louis Vuitton store in history". Now that the store is open, the faddist will not miss this important fashion event. These fashions include the popular American actress Gwyneth, Australian model Ella as well as the brand designer Marc Jacob. In 1885, the first oversea Louis Vuitton store drew up its curtain in Oxford Street, while the new store in West End contributes the best present for the 125th anniversary of the LV garrison in London. If you want to know more information about Louis Vuitton handbags, you may get on the web site in hotefashion, from where the best replica handbags are sold.

Louis Vuitton in London

By: Kasy
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Louis Vuitton in London