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Life Without Health Insurance Has Risks

Life Without Health Insurance Has Risks

Many people are being forced to live without health insurance coverage

. They are stuck with the choice between necessity items and health insurance. Most people think of health insurance as less of a necessity and while they may not be factual they will take their chances living without health insurance then trying to live without food. Unfortunately the either choice may be a life or death one but living without food will probably do you in sooner than living without health insurance coverage.

There are many reasons to have health insurance coverage for yourself and your family and choosing not to do so can result in the inability to receive care when you really need it. Without health insurance most people forgo routine medical visits which can help them to stay healthy and can help to diagnose illnesses before they progress which helps increase your chances of survival in most cases. Also a late diagnosis of any illness makes it more difficult and expensive to treat, resulting in higher costs in the long run.

The prospect of not having health insurance can cause stress knowing you or your family may not be properly cared for. Stress is not healthy and can bring about certain illness such as high blood pressure, heart problems and a host of other maladies. The very thing you are trying to prevent may happen due to the anxiety level you have about not having health insurance coverage.

Most people want to carry a health insurance plan but struggle to find room in their budget for this expense. And while the one benefit of living without health insurance comes from the fact of not having to pay expensive health insurance premiums there is truly no other benefit of living a life without health insurance. As a matter of fact even this upside to remaining uninsured has a down side in the fact that in the end you may wind up bankrupting yourself and your family if you do become ill.

Many are hoping that the National Health care bill that has enacted will provide some type of alternative. There is a part of that bill that will penalize those individuals who do not health insurance; however, the amount of the penalty will be less than the amount of the health insurance premium. Either way you look at it; there will be some type of financial cost with or without health insurance.

by: Ethan Kalvin
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Life Without Health Insurance Has Risks