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Life Insurance All Around

Life Insurance All Around

Life Insurance All Around

Life Insurance All Around

Today's World Scenario requires every one to have comprehensive security all around .

This includes

1. Health , foods , medicines , exercise , good night's sleep , sex time to yourself , meditation , social physical and mental well being .

2. Wealth , money , financial security , bank savings , own mansions , stock investments , life insurance , auto insurance , home insurance , job , business security , entertaining one self , communications channels , information , law and order .

3. Wisdom , knowledge to know what to get when and from where , skills of self confidence , fearless and guilt free living .

Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise is a very old and meaningful saying .

Now how to get comprehensive security all around . Achieving all above is very easy by doing simple things every day .

Spare some time to yourself every day irrespective of how busy you are . That is the time to be having an appointment or a meeting with yourself .

Remember excellence is not an act but a hobby . During this time to start with take three deep breaths and relax .

Fucuss on your breath and be aware of yourself . Within a few minutes you would be centered within yourself.

Here is the present moment now . Your wish is your command .

Make positive suggestions to your self in the present moment in the present tense .

Breathe in the suggestion exhale the suggestion . Repeat one suggestion many times a day preferably for a week to allow it to be part of you .

I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am

Create your own suggestions at your convenience full of love and emotions and gratefulness to the God almighty .

This is a time tested Hindu philosophy .

When you are done with your suggestions slowly come back to your outer conscious world .

Now you are ready for the day .

Have a great day every day .

Keep visiting our web site for more and more life insurance and the science of living in the present moment .

Prince Mohan

Life Insurance All Around

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Life Insurance All Around