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Lapland and a locals way of life

Lapland and a locals way of life

Lapland and a locals way of life

Lapland and a locals way of life

Many people visit Lapland every year in search of Santa Claus and many excited children will revel in their Lapland experience of visiting Santa and playing in the endless snow. Not many people give much thought to what life is really like living in Lapland and of course different villages may offer different experiences but the overall experience of living in Lapland is the same wherever you are.

The winters are long at over 200 days but Lapland are well equipped for dealing with the snow, as soon as the snow arrives and that can be as early as October, the people of Lapland prepare for the long winter ahead. The tourism is huge in the winter months and cabins and hotels are packed full all through the winter period. Roads and pathways are kept clear with the snow ploughs which will venture out two or three times each day. Winter activities are in full swing and many of the locals work within the tourism industry, either in bars, restaurants, at activity centres or in the local supermarkets and hotels.

The locals in Lapland rely heavily on tourism income but they are well used to the climate and they will also get involved in their own winter sports with many locals choosing to ski, cross country ski and compete in Husky safaris.

The spring and summer arrives in early May and the locals especially those involved in the tourism industry will take this chance to have a well earned rest. The younger generation may go off to college or university in Helsinki and the older generation may take on other jobs in bars and restaurants. Planning for the next winter period is never far from the locals mind but they do enjoy the summer very much, with many locals choosing to run, take long walks and enjoy the local wildlife and countryside. Many locals also take the opportunity to travel around Lapland and to other parts of the world.

Life in Lapland is normal to the locals as we wonder what it would be like to live in such a climate. The locals just accept this as their way of life and love doing so, when the first snows arrive in early October Lapland becomes the magical, snowy landscape we all know and love and Santa gets ready for the long winter ahead. The locals take all this in their stride and enjoy their surroundings and take pleasure in the countryside and their fabulous country.
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