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Know All About French Beds

Know All About French Beds

The things which are in fashion tend to look better than things which are out of fashion

. But the dilemma is from where do we come to know what is in and what is out? However, places like Paris and the like are the ones that are always up to date when it comes to fashion, be it with clothes or furniture. So to know what is in fashion one can keep track of their markets.

The French furniture nowadays, consists of contemporary designs. They are not at all ornate. There are no intricate designs. They generally match their furniture with the theme of the room. The emphasis is more on a non cluttered look.

A French bed which occupies a large part of the bedroom basically consists of high walls on both the upper and the lower side. The color that is used most frequently is white. A French bed is low so that getting down or climbing up on the bed is convenient as well as comfortable.

The bed must be of appropriate size so that the person sleeping on it must not feel cramped. A French bed is large in size and also gives a very royal look to the bedroom. One can sleep like a king on these beds. The French people are by nature laidback, and this you can see in their furniture too. This is the reason why there is not much intricate work on these beds.Know All About French Beds

Their beds are mostly in the shape of a platform. These beds are comfortable and good for health. A bed must be neither too soft nor too hard. Otherwise it can create a lot of health problem.

French beds give a very heavenly and dreamy appearance to the whole room. It can also be known as a feminine look. This is because the bed is made in very soft and creamy colors. The famous French style beds are Baroque and Rococo.

To compliment the bed, French people generally use velvet bed sheets and cushions. These bed covers are not only soft but also look incredibly royal. While sleeping on a French bed with velvet covers, one will feel like a princess or a prince.

To complement these beds, French use other furniture, like side tables and stools. These are also made in soft colors. The curtains are mostly in a combination of soft and royal colors. Generally French people use two curtains, one on the inner side and one on the outer. The outer curtain is generally in colors like black and golden. These curtains are thick and heavy. The inner ones are light and silky. These are always in soft colors. Use French beds to sleep like a princess.

by: Michel Disusa
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