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How Long Do Accident Affect Insurance

How Long Do Accident Affect Insurance

Many people have cars and enjoy driving them every day

. What most of these people have in common, along with the independence they share driving their cars, is the thought that they will have an accident. An auto accident is devastating to anybody who is unlucky enough to be in it. When people think about accidents a couple of things come to mind. Is every one alright? What about my car? What about my insurance? And lastly, how long do accident affect insurance?

If you have been wondering about the last question you are not alone. Many people are afraid to ask their insurance company this question, but now it is time to get an answer. You should know that every case is not the same.

If you have been careful in choosing a reputable insurance company that can provide you with great insurance, you may find yourself in good standings in the case of an accident. Often time's insurance companies give their clients breaks if they are in an accident that wasn't their fault. If you happen to have had multiple claims you may find your insurance rates rising. Insurance companies almost have no choice to raise your rates because you have become a high risk individual in their eyes.

You may see that your insurance is affected if you have had multiple accidents and claims that have been the result of your negligence. You will most definitely see your rates rise, no matter what insurance company you are with, due to you being a high risk individual. Now you may be feeling like you are not being treated fairly, but rest assure that your insurance company will pay to repair damages that you have accrued. If you are seeking insurance and you have had many accidents in the past you may find it hard to get insurance. You might find yourself being denied for insurance because of your past auto accidents, even if you were not at fault.

An increase in your insurance rates is based primarily on your past. How much your past is considered in your rates is up to your insurer and their guidelines. You can find that these increases can last for periods as short as 1 year to as long as 5. There is not much you can do other than take your punishment for being a high risk driver or take your business to another insurance company.

Even if you have had a lot of accidents on your record you still need to make sure that you report everything. If you try to get away with not reporting these infractions you may be accused of fraud. This is an offense that can result in some jail time along with hefty penalties.

by: Lance Thorington
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How Long Do Accident Affect Insurance