Head Massage Alleviate Muscle Spasms More Effectively

Share: Are you stressed? Do you dread returning to work having had a nice relaxing weekend
? Even though you are happy to have a job, it can be awfully stressful in the workplace. You wish for some sort of relief from all of this (short of a two-week vacation to Hawaii!). Ever thought of a head massage?
Maybe our energy flow is down. All our channels of energy must be clear in order to be healthy. If they are not, we may suffer headaches, aches, even baldness. An alternate therapy is a head massage!!!!!!
If you are new to massage, here's something you should know. It is not a new cure, no, this art has been practiced throughout the world for quite some time. Chinese records dating back 3,000 years document its use; the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments; and even Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. If we can give body massage, why not a head massage. After all, who has a head that doesn't hurt?
In the early 1800's, massage therapy became very popular and this increased until the 1930's and 40's. As modern medicine developed, the benefits of massage therapy were discounted. It was used less and less.

Share: Suddenly, it became popular again in the 1960's and 1970's when nurses began to use it to relieve pain in patients. It again gained credibility when, in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta it was used as core medical service. Champissage, or head massage was also introduced to the United States around 1970. Are you convinced? Do you want what's good enough for an Olympian?
The reason that head massage works is that so much of our nervous system is in our heads. We get regular massages for our bodies, why not for our heads. A scalp massage can improve circulation which helps if you get headaches. You can get a head massage in a spa, salon or even at home. The massage itself lasts anywhere between 25 - 30 minutes, can be done with or without oils.
In a salon, you will be seated in a chair and the massage technician will give you a luxurious head massage. Unlike many massages, you will remain fully clothed if you go for the option of a no-oil massage. If you want oil, you can choose to wear something to protect your clothing
Do you feel the urge yet? It has benefited many. My father went for a head massage to treat his tinnitus. If nothing else, you will be relaxed and uplifted. With this positive energy flowing, you know you will feel better. You will sleep better which will help you with concentration in every-day tasks. Your blood and lymph circulation will improve. Just head over to your local spa, talk with a masseuse. You will surely feel better!
by: Fred Haines
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