. The alternative site to craigslist that has been gaining massive exposure and has been talked about as over throwning craigslist as the new king of the free online classifieds. I have been a user of craigslist for quite sometime now and I have always loved there site. But lateley craigslist has been impementign so much rules that It makes it hard to post an ad even if you are a legit person posting an ad and not a spammer. I try to post job ads on craigslist and it is not free anymore. They charge you $10.00 or more depending on the city you are trying to post in. they also ghost my ads when I am sometimes trying to sell an old electronic item in my office. I dont understand craigslist nor do I like there site anymore. I am feeling the way many people are feeling about craigslist which is frustrated and agrivated. My best friend John told me about www.phinditt.com and how people have been talking about and how much better of a free onlien classified site it is than craigslist. I have been using the site and it is great. They have millions of people posting ads here and I have posted an ad and it was totally free and easy. I post an ad advertising my restaurant and filled the postion in about a week.
Phinditt.com offers a feature that I havent seen on many sites it is called multiposting. They allow you to post one ad in 3 different cities, states, or countries at a time. And they have these cool sharing features that help me promote my ad on my social networking sites facebook, myspace, and twitter.
I posted my job ad totally free and I didnt even have to worry about the $10.00 charge of craigslist.
I am just writing this blog to let fellow classified ads user know that phinditt.com is a great site to try if you are really interested in getting exposure and posting a totally free ad.