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4 Money Making Ideas! Even With A Laptop Or Notebook You Can Have Your Own Website And Earn Money Online!

Author: Father Time

Author: Father Time

So, You Want To Earn Money With Your Norebook, Laptop, Or Home PC? Well, You Can Do It!... Hello Folks, my name is Father Time, and I am a self-help and motivational writer and speaker! The first lesson of today is: Pleasestay away from these negative and toxic people! They will just bring you down and make your lifemiserable! There are some people in your life who are a total waste of time! You could be so much more productive if you just stayed away from these miserable, depressing people! Now, let's get excited about you making money from home with your own website, your own business, or whatever you decide you want to do! Because you can and will do it if you really put your mind to it! Even with a laptop, you can still have your own website! $$Idea #1$$ Maybe youare a person who has always wanted tostart your very own Money-Making Website where you offer to sell a service or sell some merchandise! Well...It is time for YOU to get going with that enterprise! Just set-up a" target="_blank">Free PayPal Account By Clicking Hereand then you can get a simple website at a placesuch and sell a fewgift items on your website, andyour online customers can pay you through PayPal! If you need a good source for some wholesale merchandise, we can help you with that at! You see,we sell thousands of items retail and wholesale, andwe arehappy to sell some wholesale items in small quantities to ordinary people, and you don't even have to have a business, special bank account, or anything complicated! Come take a look, and if you see something you would like to buy at wholesale, send us an e-mail listing the items and the quantities that you are interested in! $$Idea #2 $$ We are also in the business of self defense pepper sprays, and have some wholesale packages already listed on the website under Wholesale Deals. As long as you are within the 48 continental United States, but NOT in MA, MI, NY, or WI, and you are 18 or older, then you can buy a batch of pepper sprays, and then turn around and sell them in your area! People will buy these from you on impulse, for cash, when you offer them face-to-face! You can get fifteen to twenty bucks a piece for these! I know this because I get out there and sell a dozen of them whenever I feel like earning some immediate cash! Do the math and see what you can make, then place your order! You can sell them online, but face-to-face is much better with these items! Besides, people will hand you cash! $$Idea #3 $$ Here is an even better website idea formaking money online! You can actually getyour very ownwebsite that is already preloaded with thousands of great products from a reputable wholesaler working in conjunction with a great company to hostthe website! In fact, every night the wholesale company will synchronize your site with their inventory, so that items which are out of stock or no longer available will be removed from your website. Alternatively, when the wholesalergets new items in, they will automatically add them to your website! You can even decide what prices to charge, and you can add as many other products from other suppliers,as you wish! The monthly cost is a bit more than with GoDaddy, but it is well worth it for those who want to keep it very simple,easy, and painless!Please Click Here For Info About MyShopKart! $$ Idea #4 $$My eBook features over a hundred more! It is also available onmy website! Also, if you need some great articles written that you can use for article marketing and post them on a great website such as then I offer that article writing service as well! Details are found on my website! Last but not least...Please don't let anybody's negativityconvince you that you cannot make a living from home because you really can do it if you really want to! Good Luck and Many Blessings!About the Author:

Father Time has been a published writer for over thirty two years and particularly focuses on motivational and self-help writing and speaking! He also has many years of sales experience and writes sales & marketing training and materials. He has a fabulous new eBook out that features over 111 Ideas How YOU Can Make Money From Home With Your Very Own Home Based Business!

Father Time currently does a lot of writing for hire, especially article marketing pieces for folks who have their own websites to promote. IF you have a website, you should contact him for some good writing to promote your site; right away! You will be glad that you did!

Father Time also deals in wholesale merchandise of a wide variety, and is especially interested in helping ordinary people who need to earn extra cash, by allowing them to buy a small quantity of wholesale items for the purposes of reselling these items for a cash profit. This is a very simple way to earn an immediate cash income! It would be just like the folks who sell those well-known vitamins, cleaning supplies, or cosmetics, but you won't be selling something that a million others are selling!

His website is: If YOU are simply purchasing merchandise at retail, YOU can save an extra 15% off. (Sorry, discount does not apply to writing, readings by e-mail, eBooks, or on wholesale packages) The coupon code is: SaveNow
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4 Money Making Ideas! Even With A Laptop Or Notebook You Can Have Your Own Website And Earn Money Online! Shanghai