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Five Ways To Slash Holiday Stress

Five Ways To Slash Holiday Stress

Author: Emily Taggart

Author: Emily Taggart

Holidays, although joyful, memorable, as well as delightful, can also be a stressful period in our lives. We seem to have so much that we need to do and want to do for other people that we sometimes forget to consider our own health needs. It is wonderful to be a loving and giving person and we should. However, it should not be at the risk of sacrificing our own health. There are several ways that one can still be generous and giving without any detriment to our health.

Eat a well-balanced diet and exercise. During the holidays we are preparing for the holiday meal, cooking and cleaning our house for the expected company. There is also the shopping and wrapping all of those holiday gifts to consider while we are still doing our routine work and caring for children. This leaves us little time to eat a well-balanced meal and exercise. These are things that you must make time for in spite of all the additional holiday doings. Set aside time each day to eat right and get at least 30 minutes of exercise a few times a week. The time that it takes you to do this will be time well spent on your health and ultimately will relieve some of the stress. If you feel that you cannot find the time it is better to skip your television time and rather do these things instead.
Five Ways To Slash Holiday Stress

Sleep. This is another area that you should never scrimp on. When you go without needed sleep you are putting yourself at a health risk and causing yourself undue stress. When you are finding that you are sleepy while driving your car or sitting down at work this is a warning that you need more sleep. Sleeplessness can make you cranky and under stress, which will cause you to have difficulty thinking during the day and being your not-so-pleasant self with others. It is not worth it. Stress is reduced considerably when you get a proper amount of sleep each day.

Faith. Seek out the true meaning of the holidays. It is not all about spending money and having a big celebration. Spend some time in meditation and reflect on a much greater meaning behind the holiday. Studies have shown that having beliefs of religion help us with the stress in our lives.

Scale things down and simplify. Make things easier and less stressful on yourself by spending less. A nice gift can be purchased without spending a fortune. People also appreciate gift cards. They are practical. You can buy several at one time and cut your shopping down that way. Shop online and avoid the crowds. There is often free shipping online during the holidays. You save time, you save gas and you save yourself the stress of shopping in a crowd and standing in long lines. If you have a large extended family that exchange gifts encourage them to pick names so that there is only one gift to purchase during your family celebration.

Help someone in need. There are plenty of needy people in our world. Help someone else by volunteering your time or giving a gift to someone who will not be getting anything during the holidays. Donate to a charitable organization. Help serve others. You will not understand the incredible feeling of joy that you get from helping someone else until you have actually done it. It is so appreciated and an overwhelming stress reliever to be of service to someone else.About the Author:

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Five Ways To Slash Holiday Stress