Cellulaze Cellulite Treatment For Firmer, Younger Looking Skin

Share: The new and highly effective Cellulaze cellulite treatment ensures firmer
, younger looking skin. FDA approved in January 2012, Cellulaze has been clinically proven to increase both skin elasticity and skin thickness by more than 20%. This improvement in the quality of the skin improves the appearance of cellulite. Contrary to the popular belief that cellulite is a fat problem which can be done away with by exercise and dieting, it is actually a structural problem under the skin which should be treated by a physician. There are three structural issues responsible for this cottage cheese effect.
Stiffening or tightening of the connective tissue bands under the skin and surrounding the fat cells
The pushing up of enlarged fat pockets which are trapped because of the stiff tissue bands
Thin skin that makes cellulite look worse

Share: Most women over 20 experience the problem in areas such as the thighs and buttocks.
The New Cellulite Laser Treatment So Very Effective
Cellulaze, a master creation from Cynosure is the first and sole treatment for cellulite that targets the real structural issues beneath the skin. It is credited with several other firsts. It is the first:
One-time only treatment in the world for cellulite reduction
Sole minimally invasive cellulite cure with considerable clinical data to back it
Treatment that ensures longer-lasting cellulite lessening
What It Does
The Cellulaze Laser Workstation achieves superior results by the combination of a pulsed and powerful Nd: YAG 1440 nm wavelength laser and a SideLight laser fiber capable of delivering laser energy bi-directionally. The SideLight 3D fiber targets the root factors beneath the skin responsible for the development of cellulite. With the revolutionary Cellulaze cellulite treatment, three actions take place that contribute to its success:
Heating of the skin and destruction of the fat by a laser fiber
Release of the fibrous bands responsible for the dimpling effect by the laser, providing for a smoother appearance
Laser energy kindling collagen secretion for increased skin flexibility and thickness, resulting in a healthier and more even appearance.
So Very Popular
Cellulaze cellulite treatment has received such wide publicity and popularity after its release. This includes being featured in various news stories, in an E-Billboard on the Las Vegas Strip, a billboard in Times Square (thats going to be there till the year end) and occupying page space in this months issue of the Marie-Claire magazine.

Share: Should Only be Done by a Professional
In your rush to request this procedure, dont forget the importance of contacting the right plastic surgeon to do it for you. One of the things you should verify is whether your chosen physician has passed the CME (Continuing Medical Education) accredited online course and also whether he has undergone the necessary training to do the Cellulaze procedure. Only such physicians actually have the authority to use the Cellulaze laser workstation.
A lot of women are rejoicing over the arrival of
Cellulaze cellulite treatment for firmer, younger looking skin. Maybe youll be joining them soon.
by: Cris White
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