Buying New Inflatable Boats

Share: It is not unusual to buy second-hand boats
It is not unusual to buy second-hand boats. Some prefer second-hand boats as they are cheaper. However, buying a new inflatable boat is easier than buying a used boat. For one thing you don't have to worry if the boat is in good condition. The boat should be in good condition as it is brand new. If there are defects you can easily return it under warranty. The only foreseeable problem is that the boat is manufactured by some obscure company.
It is always safe to buy a branded name. There are plenty of inflatable boats that can be rightly picked right off the display of a boat trade show. The boats displayed are so loaded with freebies and add-ons that one is tempted to buy the boat right off. With discounts that are jaw-dropping low, with a 0% interest available right then and then, a 5-year warranty and a cooler full of free beer, who would not buy that boat even if you can't even pronounce the manufacturer's name.
One of the easy-to-spot flaws of this boat is foot pump. Most are so small and inadequate that you need to energetically pump the whole thing for 30 minutes to inflate the seat- maybe another hour or so to pump up the rest of the boat. To get around this problem, you would need to buy an additional pump which translates to additional cost.
It is also quite disconcerting to find out that after buying the additional pump and finally inflating the whole boat, you can't fit the deflated boat back to its storage bag. It is a good thing if your main boat is roomy and can accommodate a fully-inflated boat but: a small boat will be in trouble if this was the case.

Share: The manufacturer's engine rating is sometimes over-rated. An engine rating of up to 10 horsepower proved to be puzzling when a 9- horsepower inflatable boat easily overtook the 10 hp inflatable boat. Opening the throttle of this type of boat could prove to be dangerous as the bow of the boat has the tendency to rise threatening its occupant to do a back somersault. An additional long throttle extension is needed to keep the weight of the boatman centered to keep the bow in water until the inflatable reaches a planing speed.
A cheap inflatable boat would bode well for a season. Even if you store it in the most proper way you know, its seams will likely come off even in storage. It is usual for the starboard seam that connects the tube to the flooring of the boat to come "unseam". No sweat as one-season year old boat is still under guarantee. The problem with buying inflatable boats off the floor or boat shows is the fact that the manufacturer does not have a shop in the vicinity. Calling the manufacturer is just as futile as more often than not, the telephone or email address is no longer current. The best thing that you can do is to write the manufacturer and ask about the boat's warranty. Good luck!
In a nutshell it is best to buy a new inflatable boat from a named brand that has a physical store near your area. The world of inflatable boats is highly competitive and not every company has the tenacity to stay in business. Do not be swayed into buying a brand that is famous in another country or continent unless the said company has a legitimate shop and accredited repair shop near your area. This is an insurance that if anything happens to your boat, there is a shop that you can call and a repair service that you can bring the boat for repairs. The bottom line is that if you plan on buying an inflatable boat; choose a brand that you know from experience and from reputation.

Share: For more information about buying new inflatable boats please visit: New Inflatable Boats
By: Alberto
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