Back Massage: Alleviate Muscle Spasms Sooner

Share: My poor back, I can't bend over! I can't pick that up
, my back hurts too bad. Both my husband and I have felt this sort of angst, as have many of our relatives. Want to know a secret? Back massage!! Here in the United States we are fortunate to have many spas where we can go for one for 30 plus minutes to relax and relieve ourselves of pain and make the soul and mind feel great!
Back massage is not a new breakthrough when caring for back pain. Massage therapists have practiced this art throughout the world. Chinese records dating back 5,000 years document the use of massage therapy for not only back pain. Many cultures, including the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied many forms of massage, and even Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. Interested in finding out more about how it is practiced? Well, there are a variety of methods, over 250 to be precise. Different massages cure different ailments.
Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue. Massage became popular in the US in the 1800's and grew in popularity until the 1930's and 40's. With the development of modern medicine, it was discounted as old fashioned. It made a re-appearance in the 1960's when nurses began to use it to alleviate back pain, as well as other ailments in patients. In the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta it was deemed a core medical service. If it can be used in the Olympics, don't you want it?
Anyone who has had a luxury massage is a lucky person. I, personally, was the tester person for a lady who was learning how to give back massages. I worked for a health club, and she needed volunteers. I, as the low person on the totem pole, was elected to be the subject of a massage. I had no idea what was involved. However, this was far from a relaxing back massage. It was supposed to feel great! I had to put up with the noise of two rowdy little boys while their mother practiced on me! I opted for the clothes-on option! Yes, there is a no-clothes option which involves the subject being nude, but covered by towels and blankets. It is all very civilized. I later discovered that a massage can be great! In order to find what suits you and your back needs, you must try many different types.

Share: Anyway, one must find one's favorite type of massage. Not only are there many ways and oils that can be used, but it can be cultural. It can be an international experience. You may find that Lomi Lomi massage from Hawaii, Samoan, Shiatsu, Thai or even Chinese massage suits your needs. If not, then maybe try Swedish massage, which, n Sweden is known as classical massage. Whatever ails you, you will have a relaxing time finding which back massage will suit you. We cannot blind test massage, as the sense of touch in itself is therapeutic and relaxing, as well as healing. Have fun, finding what works for you!
by: Fred Haines
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