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Are You Sure You Haven't Been Lied?

Are You Sure You Haven't Been Lied?

Its a lie. One of the most damaging deceptions the human heart would ever face. A

lie we have believed, to the imprisonment and shrinking of our souls... the lie about how God feels for us.

Yes, Jesus Loves me, an established elder of some church sings, but deep inside him, a distorted perception of Gods personality plays a different tune.

Let me ask you something, when you think about Gods feelings for you, what is the song your heart sings?

Please notice that I did not say, the song your lips sing. What is your heart singing?Are You Sure You Haven't Been Lied?

Lets try something, close your eyes now and during one minute imagine the Lord God looking upon you... What is God feeling... What is He thinking as He gazes on you?

Whatever you believe Hes thinking will generate deep emotions within you. Thats the song of your heart.

As you will find, shame and guilt is the most popular song within humans. I know it well. The tune of my own heart drove me crazy for several years.


"As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love." (John 15:9)

Just hours before His death the God-Man stated the astonishing: I love you as the Father loves me. Question, How much does the Father love His Son Jesus?

The way that God loves God is beyond human grasp. How can this love even be fathomed? Well, Jesus says He loves us like the Father loves Him, in the same way.

This is too intense, think about it. The identical love and passion the Father feels for Jesus, Jesus feels for us. In other words, He loves me with the same intensity, desire and emotion.

If you want to know how much Jesus loves you and the kind of affection He Feels for you, just start pondering on how much the Father loves Jesus and let the wires of your brain melt...

Imagine the Lord looking to Peter (the man that was about to deny Him three times)and saying something like, Pete, you are about to fail big time, but know this: I love you in the same way that the Father loves me... even when youre weak and fail me, I still like you I feel deep and strong affections for you. The key for your life is abiding in my love, in the knowledge of my affections for you

Could this kind of information affect your emotional life? You bet. It will affect, influence and totally change your emotional chemistry. (the day you believe it).

I can assure you, having experienced myself, the day you come to believe Jesus words youll be transformed into another person.

It gets better...

Stay tuned.


by: Pablo Perez
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Are You Sure You Haven't Been Lied?