Why You Shouldn't Get Large Volume Liposuction

Share: You've probably heard the ads talking about liposuction (also referred to as lipoplasty and suction lipectomy)
. To hear some of them, you can enter an office obese, get on the operating table, and come out a few hours later a size 0. While the surgery can be very successful at removing fat, it does have limits. Most surgeons would tell you that you shouldn't plan on getting more than around 10 pounds removed at a time, and most surgeons would similarly tell you that you shouldn't plan on having more than a small handful of body areas treated at a time.
However, some surgeons are willing to perform lipoplasties that are much, much larger. These surgeries are referred to as large volume liposuctions. Although they may sound very appealing (after all, who wouldn't love to instantly be significantly slimmer), there are a number of reasons to avoid large volume lipoplasties.
One is simply the amount of body trauma that you could experience. A lipoplasty is an invasive surgery which involves making incisions and surgically removing parts of your body. Even though your body doesn't require its excess fat to survive, the removal of it can still be traumatic to the body. Obviously, the more fat that is removed, the higher the amount of trauma will be. If too much fat is lost at one time, your body could go into shock and have a harder time recovering.
Also, a larger amount of fat removed probably means a longer surgery, and a larger number of surgical area means that you will need more anesthetic. A large number of lipoplasty fatalities come from complications with the anesthetic. Having too much anesthesia in your system can have negative or toxic effects.

Share: Additionally, although recent techniques have reduced the amount of blood loss which occurs during a lipectomy, a patient will lose some amount of blood in any surgery. Increasing the length and scope of surgery will increase the amount of blood loss.
From an aesthetic point of view, removing extremely large amounts of fat can make it difficult for a surgeon to retain the amount of fine control and detail necessary for a beautiful appearance. Getting a large volume lipoplasty could increase your chances for unattractive blemishing.
A large volume liposuction is much more difficult to perform safely and successfully than a normal lipoplasty. Patients are generally advised to avoid this procedure. It is typically a better idea to lose large amounts of weight through safer methods, such as exercise and diet, and then to use lipoplasty to perform touch up work at the end.
by: Christian Heftel
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