We All Struggle In Network Marketing.
In my last article I mentioned I got started in network marketing with a company called princess house
. I don't know if you are familiar with that company or not I believe they are still around at least they can still be found on line. The company is not so important. what's more important is the reason I got involved with the company in the first place. Like I said in my last article it was the crystal that got me fired up. I could not afford the product so becoming a distributor was an option that got me what I wanted. Or in other words my desire for the crystal inspired me to action. In any type of marketing one of the main goals is to get the prospect to see the benefit of the product or business opportunity. If your enthusiasm is great enough the prospective buyer may get excited enough to purchase or join your business based on that alone. But remember excitement wears off very fast. So you need the prospect to see the benefits so they continue to promote the product or business opportunity.
Your prospect will know if your only outlook is for your self. Telling them something or showing them is only going to get your client so far. As soon as they get discouraged or someone questions them about what they are doing, it's over. you are back to square one with them. By asking your prospect the right questions, answers this get them involved. They see the benefits to themselves. With princess house the distributor of that first party I attended involved me. She asked the right questions. That got me to tell her what I wanted. Then she showed me how to get it. That's the difference in good marketing compared to pestering your friends and family. They know what your objective is to sell them something or get them to join something. And where is the benefit to the prospect in that? Involve your prospect by asking the right questions, and then answer those questions for them. In this way your prospect makes the decision to become invested in your product or business opportunity.
The old ways of network marketing do not work any more, the word networking means to tell someone about something or someone. As the internet is a network so is your business. you go to the internet for information, you get informed about something or someone. Then you make your decision, no pressure is involved here. . So remember if you answer the questions and the prospect sees the benefits. That is real marketing.
by: Melissa Jackson
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We All Struggle In Network Marketing. Shanghai