How To Optimise Your Website For Article Marketing
Article marketing has long been viewed as one of the best strategies for online business
. This initiative can help to build reputation, as well as providing hyper-links to your site for the article readers, who may well represent partially qualified leads. The Internet thrives on the presentation of quality information and well written articles can be your organisation's key contribution. The major search engines value good articles highly, and it's essential that you compose focused and optimised material for your project.
Once you have completed your final list of niche specific keywords for your business, you should compose your articles accordingly. Write very informative pieces which include your keywords and make sure that they are distributed to relevant and powerful article directories and other repositories around the web. Anchor text-based hyper-links within the article resource boxes should point back to the landing pages, as specified, on your website.
You should remember that you need to focus on your website development, as well as your article composition and distribution, as this is equally important within the overall picture. Your website must be adequately optimised to enable you to get the most out of any article marketing campaign, and to ensure this you should concentrate on several areas:
1. Understand that the primary reason why people visit your page is to seek information. You should not spend too much time on fancy presentation, complex graphics and flash animation, if it detracts from the overall message.
2. The layout of your site must be easy to understand and navigate. Visitors must be able to progress from point to point or page to page without any confusion and there should be a logical progression when it comes to presentation of information.
3. Ideally, you should present a separate page for each keyword that you focus on during your article marketing campaign. In this way, the search engines will match the keyword contained in your article's anchor link with the keyword optimised on each page.
4. Ensure that the content of the page is directly related to the content of the article. Keep in mind that the reader of the article is being encouraged to check out this site through the actual content of the article itself. He or she should be able to continue this process of discovery, which may be leading them further into your sales funnel!
5. To make sure that the search engines recognize the landing page you have specified as relevant, you should make sure that you:
* Put the exact keywords in the title of your page, as well as in the description.
* Repeat the keywords in the body of the content on the page. It is suggested that you do this to no more than a density of 1%, ie 5 times within 500 words of content, so that it appears natural.
* The H1 tag is very important and the keywords should appear here too.
* Specify the keyword and related keywords (sometimes known as secondary keywords) within your meta-data keywords tag.
6. There is increasing evidence that Google is placing a lot of emphasis on synonism and latent semantic indexing. This means that they will be looking for the existence of certain words and phrases within your content, relating back to their large databases of information, so they can accurately judge whether your content is indeed relevant to your primary keywords.
As you prepare for your article marketing campaign, there's a great deal to focus your attention on. Make the most of each article that you compose and distribute by ensuring that every element of your campaign is optimised. To ensure that you don't miss any of these essential steps, give some thought to taking on a Virtual Assistant to make the most of your online business development.
by: Michelle Dale
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