Tips For Selecting the Best Age Appropriate Toys For Children

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The best way to find a toy that is appropriate for any child is to find a toy that is age appropriate, fun and educational. A toy should help a child to explore and push the limits of their age and help them to progress to the next level with ease. Physical, emotional, social and mental development should be enhanced by the right type of toy for a child.
The best toy for a child is one that is age appropriate. A child that is a newborn up to 24 months old should have a toy that is colourful has shapes and sounds. This will help the child to learn different sounds and to learn different textures and beautiful colours. Toys like stuffed animals with lots of colour, shapes, buttons, and dials are great. Once the child starts to move around and walk, toys that they can pull up on and help them to stand are very useful.
Once a child gets into the 2-5 year old stages, they would benefit from building, stacking and playing with blocks, and riding on slow moving trucks and cars. A child at this age is trying to utilize their motor skills, vocabulary and hand eye coordination. Also they are learning to use their fingers in a more advanced manner increasing their dexterity. A few great push and pull toys are wagons, wheel barrels, and lawn mowers, shopping carts, carriages, ride on wheelybugs and strollers.

Share: Great ride on toys for children this age are tricycles, pedal toys, steering vehicles, and rocking horses. As a child gets into the 5 years and older stages they want to explore even more and that is where puzzles, pattern making, matching, sorting and counting toys come into play. Children also learn great socialisation by playing make believe with dolls and puppets, and costumes. The creativity and audio -visual skills start to shine through. Games and skill development eventually becomes second nature as the child starts to grow.
A child needs to learn motor skills, social skills, how to push and pull, how to throw and catch and how to manipulate objects. All of these can be learned through play with other children and the appropriate toys. From birth to the young adulthood, all children should be challenged and encouraged to help them to develop all of their skills to optimum levels.
All toys should be age appropriate, creative, durable, safe and fun in order for a child to stay interested and to learn from it. Colours, textures, shapes and sounds can be learned at a very early age and this is the basis for future learning for any child, and this can be learned as early as possible. Motor skills, social-emotional skills, and auditory skills are all developed in cohesion with each other and the more a child learns the more things in the world become easier to understand.
Felicity is a freelance writer, writing infrequent overviews in the UK. The complete range of wheelybugs ride on toys as well as kids learning toys are available with free delivery at Designer Ark. For more information please visit the website.
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