What Teenagers Should Know About Oral Hygiene?

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Problems with teeth and gums may occur and actually are occurring in teens. Obtaining additional information about the issues affecting your oral health can help you make the best decisions to save your smile. Here are some examples:
Orthodontics - A large number of older children and teenagers must use braces to correct crowded or crooked teeth and incorrect setting of the jaws. Improperly positioned teeth, cause more difficulties during cleaning, they are more likely to have an early loss and the additional stress for chewing muscles. Evaluation of orthodontic treatment can help you determine whether you should wear braces, and also indicate the appropriate treatment for you. If you wear braces, you should pay particular attention to proper tooth brushing.
Protective jaws - If playing sport, jaw protectors are critical for the protection of your smile. Typically, they cover the upper teeth, providing protection against them breaking, slit lips and other mouth injuries. If you wear braces or other permanent additions (for example a bridge) on the lower jaw, the dentist may suggest a protective jaw also for the lower teeth.

Share: Nutrition - Nutrition plays a key role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Sugars and starch included in many foods and drinks contribute in the formation of plaque, which destroys tooth enamel. Reduce the number of consumed foods and drinks - after each consumption of foods and drinks containing sugars and starches your teeth are subjected to acid attacks for at least 20 minutes. Adherence to a well-balanced diet based on five food groups can significantly improve oral health. Deciding on a snack, choose nutritious foods such as cheese, raw vegetables, plain yogurt or fruit.
Earrings in the tongue and other parts of the mouth - Although piercings and other parts of the mouth are common, can cause various complications, including infections, the bleeding that could not stop and nerve damage. Also involves a risk of choking of loose earrings, barbells and rings. Besides, the metal jewelry can cause cracks or chipped teeth and damage gums. If you are thinking of piercing the tongue, lips or cheek, let your dentist know that and help to choose the safest solution.
But there isnothing that will substitute regular brushing. And if you live in hurry I have solution for you:)
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