Today the lions have greatly decreased and only about 21000 can be found in different parts of the world
. In the centuries past, they used to roam freely in Africa. They can now be found only in the Sub-Sahara desert, and some parts of South and East Africa. Drought is the main cause of their decline in population. In 1994 and 2001 they died in large numbers from the Distemper disease which was caused by drought. Global warming today is greatly affecting them. During seasons of drought, they cannot get enough prey and what they get is weak and malnourished causing them too to be weak. Human have been a major cause for their decline in population. The war between human and Lions have lasted for many centuries. Human beings have encroached forest land forcing animals to migrate to other regions or starve to death. Lions sometimes are forced to prey on cattle as their food in the forests is not enough. This causes the human to hunt and kill them mercilessly. In the Masai culture, one is considered brave and strong if he kills a lion therefore all the young men aim at this causing more problems for the innocent creatures. Male lions are in greater danger of dying prematurely as they are not permanently associated to any particular gruop. If it happens to be chased away from a pride and it does not get another one to join, it can die from starvation as it is not a great hunter like the female. Injuries sustained during the fights also have a life long toll on them reducing their life span. Most do not make it to the tenth birthday if they are in the wild.