Teeth Straightening - A Very Useful Teeth Correction Procedure

Share: Having a good set of teeth can do wonders to your smile and personality
. At the same time, crooked teeth or those stained due to improper oral hygiene, nicotine and alcohol can present a personality that would be embarrassing to the individual.
Crooked teeth besides spoiling looks can also cause problems when chewing and this can have a negative impact on digestion which will then affect your health. It is better to address this problem of crooked teeth in the very early stages so that they can be straightened. Typically this needs to be done during the adolescent period when the teeth are getting aligned and the process of teeth straightening can be completed without many problems.
The common method of teeth straightening is done through the use of braces. However many adults feel awkward wearing them as they are visible. Even though clear braces are available in today's times, people are still not comfortable wearing them.
Fortunately, other sophisticated methods are now available as under:
a) Invisalign is a procedure where aligners are used in a series to gently and gradually move the affected teeth into their correct position. Each of the aligners is used for a couple of weeks and the entire procedure could take as much as a couple of years for total effect. People may be required to use as many as 60 aligners during the course of the treatment. The procedure is however very precise since it uses computer imaging and the teeth impressions of the patient so that exact aligners can be made to suit the purpose and they can gently move the teeth to the required position over time.
b) Porcelain veneers is another option that is preferred in today's times. These veneers are made thin so that they can be fixed to the teeth at the front and the appearance is very similar to natural teeth. They cover any imperfections in the teeth and make all teeth appear perfect. They are also used as an alternative to teeth whitening and are most effective when you have to straighten teeth that have gaps or chips. The traditional method of teeth straightening may not be effective here.
Crooked teeth if left untreated can cause problems of gaps and crevices developing and can make normal activities like chewing a very tough task. This will then lead to cavities due to the fact that you cannot properly brush them and take care of them like you would with normal teeth. It can also lead to a condition called TMJ which is a joint related problem of the jaw. Most importantly, they can damage your self esteem and confidence.
by: James Maloney
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