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Revenge Of The Fallen Internet Marketers Part 2 by:Michael Cheney

Revenge Of The Fallen Internet Marketers Part 2 by:Michael Cheney

If Transformers can have a sequel, so can the article of the same title


Three bad moves were mentioned in the first article about internet marketing and how it had caused marketers to fall. Below are four more additional moves that should be avoided.

4. Not updating the web pages.

Web pages are crucial to how the business will turn out. It is basically what the whole website is all about. This is especially vital if you have loyal followers already. They probably would not want to read old news.

Updating your site is like killing two birds with one stone. Regular web page update will not only satisfy your customers, it will also score you points with the search engines. Search engines love updated websites. You may not be aware of it but this is one of the factors they consider when crawling websites.

5. Not providing working links.

Consider the fact that people are already interested in your business and they are now checking your website out. These people will not be satisfied with the home page. Chances are, they will click on the links and try to visit your inner pages as well.

One non-working link and you can say goodbye to future business dealings with your customer. Put yourself in their position and you would do the same. Check everyday, if possible, if all your links are working. It would be better if you can assign someone on site maintenance to make sure everything is in order.

6. No site map.

Site maps are very important. It makes navigating your site a lot easier and faster. Most visitors that come into websites check for site maps first. They want to get to the page they need as fast as possible. It is your duty to provide this for them.

Site maps are also one of the requirements in web ranking. Some search engines turn down websites that do not have site maps. The site map does not have to have great designs or graphics. As long as it is easy to read, faster to navigate then it will just be as effective.

7. No contact form or page.

The phrase says it all. Your customers need to get in touch with you. And they should do that using your website. Do no assume that all customers will be satisfied with what they read on your pages. Assume that most of them may get confused or want to inquire about something. Hence, the contact page.

All relevant information should be supplied in the contact page. There should be a working phone number, email and the right person to get in touch. Aside from that, a form should be placed where customers can put their inquiry along with relevant information about them. All queries should be treated as important and be attended to swiftly.

Once again, time to roll out of the fallen category. If you want to rule the internet marketing universe, then learn from the fallen ones and avoid being one of them.

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About the author

Michael Cheney is a British Internet Marketer who lives in Aberden, United Kingdom. He has been providing coaching products to other internet marketers and has appeared on the CNBC business channel and BBC radio doing interviews for several business talk shows.
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Revenge Of The Fallen Internet Marketers Part 2 by:Michael Cheney