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Reasons For The Green Light Effect On Web Traffic by:Michael Cheney

Reasons For The Green Light Effect On Web Traffic by:Michael Cheney

Traffic is good

Traffic is good.

For your online business, that is.

What is a website without traffic? It would be like a food discarded on the table, gathering flies and waiting to rot. For sure, this is not what you want your website or your business to be.

The more traffic coming in to your site, the more your business will thrive. Eventually, you will see your bank account thriving too. From several digits to a hundred, thousands and even millions. What's more, the money just keeps coming.

Many online businesses are not getting the traffic they want because of what is not in their website which could have been great traffic boosters. What are these?

1. No story.

"Words tell, but stories sell". This has been proven to be absolutely true over the years. Telling a story is what connects you to people. Why? Because stories are of real life and real people. Your story might just be the same as any other story out there. And people can relate more to what you are talking about.

Real story. Do not think you can fool people into believing something you just came up with. There is a thin line between fact and fiction. Your readers know about this too. They will easily detect if what you are sharing is too good to be true.

2. No interaction.

Many websites forget to ask their customers for feedback. The only way to know what your customers want is to ask them. Feedbacks should be viewed as valuable information because this is what the people are saying about you. You can improve some aspects of your business through feedbacks people have given.

Do not always assume that you know what your customers want. You are not a psychic. Show people how you value their opinion by giving out surveys or questionnaires. Keep the interaction open so you can better understand them.

3. No sociability.

Get your website out there. Join social networking sites directly related to your market. No man is an island in internet marketing. You need to move around in circles where your business will likely to be seen and where you can partner up with other business owners.

This is the trend now. Almost all people are into social media. What better way for you to advertise your business than to join in some of these networks. Write regular blogs, distribute articles and give out press releases. The options are limitless. You only need to choose which group you will become a part of.

These are some of the reasons why some businesses are rotting away. Online traffic is massive and is growing in number everyday. Do not give them the green go signal. Stop them in their tracks before they pass you by and are gone forever.

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About the author

Michael Cheney is a British Internet Marketer who lives in Aberden, United Kingdom. He has been providing coaching products to other internet marketers and has appeared on the CNBC business channel and BBC radio doing interviews for several business talk shows.
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Reasons For The Green Light Effect On Web Traffic by:Michael Cheney