» Boat Insurance » Keep Your Boat Secure and Save by:Isreal Hartley
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Keep Your Boat Secure and Save by:Isreal Hartley

Keep Your Boat Secure and Save by:Isreal Hartley

Boats are expensive to own at the best of times so it makes sense to try and reduce costs when there's an opportunity

. Keeping your boat secure at all times will reduce risk and will often result in lower boat insurance premiums.

The crime rate generally increases during tough economic conditions. Fish finders, small outboard motors and fishing rods are favored by thieves because they are easy to liquidate. Ensure your outboard is always secured to your boat or take it home with you. A special clamp lock can be purchased from your local marine store for a reasonable price. Most fish finders are detachable and can be taken from the boat easily. Keep it in your garage or a safe place inside your home.

Check to make sure that all the hatches and windows are secured with strong locks. You should also mark all equipment with your personal details. This will make it easier for Police to Identify and return to you should they be stolen.

Installing an alarm on your vessel is a smart move. There are several types of alarms available on the market today. If your boat is moored far away from anybody, there is a great product that sends a photo of your boat once a sensor picks up movement. You can view the picture and if you see a burglar on your boat you can call the Police immediately. This device doesn't require ongoing monitoring and won't cost you expensive call out fees.

If you have installed or changed things on your boat that you think will kelp reduce the risk of an accident, fire or theft, let your insurance company know. It is highly likely they will reward you with reduced premiums.

About the author

Isreal Hartley operates a FREE insurance website which provides information, advice, tips and tools on a range of insurance topics. To find the best New Zealand boat insurance or to obtain FREE boat insurance quotes visit today!
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Keep Your Boat Secure and Save by:Isreal Hartley Tai'an