Ingrown Toenail Remedies, Treatments And Natural Cures
An ingrown toe nail could cause a great degree of discomfort and pain to the affected person
. Ingrown toe nail occurs when a sharp edge of the toe nail digs into the delicate skin on either side of the toe causing pain and inflammation. The inflamed area could also begin to grow extra tissue and drain yellowish fluids or pus. The big toe is usually prone to such conditions though an ingrown toe nail is possible with any other toe. If left untreated this condition could cause ingrown toenail infection or abscess that may require surgical treatment. Ingrown toenail home treatment is ideal for mild to moderate conditions. Appropriate care at the onset of ingrown toe nail would help avoid infection.
Some common ingrown toenail remedies include:
Treating Sore Toes: Ingrown toenail treatment would require that you soak the foot in warm water to which there is a pinch of salt added. Keep it soaked for fifteen to twenty minutes. Gently wedge a small ball of cotton between the skin and toe nail to change the direction in which the nail grows. The cotton ball must be changed every day. This procedure will take some time ranging to couple of weeks but can help the toe nail grow out instead of poking the skin. Soaking the feet in warm water three to four times a day can provide relief from pain and inflammation. Soaking the nail in warm water makes the nail softer for filing, cutting or lifting to treat the ingrown toe nail. Keep the foot dry for the rest of the day.
Foot Care: Wear comfortable shoes and avoiding cramming the toes to experience considerable ingrown toenail relief. Keep the foot clean by washing the toes with soap and water at least two times a day. Shoes or socks could create a damp environment for the toes thus leaving it prone to bacteria and further infection. Wear sandals that allow the toes to breathe freely until the condition subsides.
Nail Care: Cut the nails and trim them regularly to avoid ingrown toe nails. Cut the nails in square shape rather than rounding them. Round nails tend to grow into the surrounding tissues