Angioedema therapy: Angioedema therapy changes it depends on the precise diagnosis of the individual
. Health issues would be taken into consideration when thinking about therapy choices even if they aren't immediately attached to the medical problem at hand.
Adequate treatment of any allergic condition first requires a proper (and accurate) diagnosis. Treatment is wasted unless it is preceded by an accurate diagnosis. Patients should take the advice of an experienced physician to receive the best method of treatment for quick alleviation of angioedema symptoms.
Mild to severe swelling characterize angiodema. It is a skin condition. Since there are varying types of angioedema it is especially important that the diagnosis be accurate. Each type of angiodema requires a different type of treatment. The types of angioedema that may present include: hereditary, allergic and drug induced.
The first is drug induced. The drug induced angioedema condition requires a stop of the medical therapy that caused the attack. One drug that has a reputation for resulting in angioedema in some patients is the AVE inhibitors. Drug induced angioedema is most prevalent among African American patients.
Allergic angioedema treatment consists first of identifying the allergen that caused the condition. Once it is known it should be avoided. Patients should be made aware of the advantages of avoiding the allergen in future. As an emergency relief measure epinephrine can be used in cases of allergic angioedema.
Hereditary angioedema treatment consists of avoidign stimuli that result in angioedema conditions. Hereditary angioedema is resistant to: antihistamines, epinephrine and corticosteroids.
The three different types of angiodema have a similar look about them. There is swelling of the skin and the subcutaneous layers. The swelling is often rapid. But the condition can also present slowly; throughout several hours. Hives may or may not be present in swollen areas. And the swollen areas are usually itchy and painful.
Angioedema therapy that is appropriate for the particular patient should avoid any connected life threatening situations. The swelling can interrupt normal breathing if appropriate emergency therapy is not provided.