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Get Rich Quick Or Launch A Residual Income Online? by:Tomlin Rezar

Get Rich Quick Or Launch A Residual Income Online? by:Tomlin Rezar

We all might have dreamed of the day when we will get rich quick

. Sooner or later we let go of the idea, but deep and far in the recesses of our mind and unconsciousness we still hope that it might still happen. Some dream of the day when they would have that knock on the door, with a huge 4 x 2 foot check with $1,000,000.00 written on it. And then the cameras and media-not to mention how the whole neighborhood will know that we have just become rich quick!

For most of us this is but a lofty and unattainable fairytale. And the object of this article is not to give you hope that you can get rich quick. The old saying still is true, that if something is too good to be true, it probably isn't. There are myriads of get rich quick schemes out there, and the internet is full of it.

In this article I will not paint a fairytale like scenario, because fairytales are just that-fairytales and castles built with sand in our imagination. However, I will say that although I am highly skeptical of get rich quick schemes, I can also assure you that there are many legitimate online businesses on the internet.

How to create wealth online is not a get rich quick scheme. It is virtually impossible to get rich quick on the internet. However, consistent wealth creating methods will soon bring you to a place of a residual income on a consistent basis. I am convinced that the two major keys to get rich (not quick) online is by (1) Hard work and (2) Smart work.

Let me explain. If anyone is going to amass riches and make money online, or at least create wealth that will keep on building and building, you have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is definitively going to require some hard work. Now, before you go to another article, let me explain the words Hard Work. Hard work is not a bad thing and is not difficult. I think that none of us mind hard work if we know it is going to pay off. And expecially when we know that the hard work we do now will earn us a life of comfort, ease and luxury later.

A friend of mine is an animal when it comes to hard work. This man seems to always push on and push on. We have a partnership going on, and it is truly a pleasure to have a man by your side who is not afraid of hard work. Hard work always pays off. It is as if there is a mystical law to it that when someone sows sweat and blood, that he or she will also reap luxury and happiness. I know my friend is going to hit it big, and when he does, I am going to be glad that I believed in him and he in me.

In the mean time I am not rich, but steadily on my way to riches with an online system that works on autopilot and makes me money even while I sleep. And that brings me to the next part: Smart Work.

Hard work and smart work go hand in hand. Somebody said, and I believe it was one of the US presidents, that if he knew he had eight hours to fell down a tree, he would use seven of those hours sharpening the axe. Now that is quite a smart quote! One man can spend 72 hours axing a tree down, doing hard work. The other man could do it the smart way and get the thing down in eight hours, with not that much effort, because his axe is sharp.

Making money online and creating wealth on autopilot can be done on as little as two hours a day, or fourteen hours a week. If you can just know the right strings to pull and manipulate the system to work for you in stead of you working for it (or it working against you) you may soon be in a position in which you will have a residual income, an automatic cash flow on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. A residual income is not made overnight, so there is no talk of a get rich scheme her. There are enough scams in the world-we don't need another one to burn the unsuspecting internet entrepreneur.

But a trusted and proven system that teaches you how to make money online and create wealth on the internet on autopilot is a legitimate way to making a good and decent income, working from home. Work at home moms and work at home dads have discovered numerous work at home opportunities which brought them into a position of financial freedom, financial independence and financial prosperity.

The Independent Profit Center is such a trusted and proven system that works and makes real money online. Mr. Dan Miller is a tremendously successful internet entrepreneur who just couldn't keep the secret of making money online to himself. Of course we all know that he also makes his money-he is not doing what he is doing for charity! But believe me, I have no problem making money online and creating wealth on the internet on autopilot while cutting him a little portion of my profits.

WebWealthCreation is such a phenomenal trusted and proven system that shows you step by step how to make money on autopilot. It gives you all the information you need to create wealth online. We tend to wonder how these smart internet entrepreneurs do it, but if we are smart we will learn from them. I joined the IPC program almost a year ago and I have no regrets. It has not always gone exactly like I would have wanted it to go, but I have learned from Dan Miller and his money making videos in the members area how to make the system work for me.

An online business that really works and makes real money is the ideal work at home system. Every day I get up with the proverbial thousand things in my mind-things I have to do. But believe me-non of them are to rush out to join the rat race out there. I go to bed when I want and I get up when I want. Oh yes, I work, but a home based business that works on autopilot does not need much more than two to three hours a day. Sometimes I just dedicate the whole day of one week to the home based business and do everything online.

Even this article I am writing today is part of my online business. You might not know it, but this article will drive traffic to my website, blog and videos. Not everyone has it in them to go further than that, because he feel they have been scammed and burned before. You are not alone. We all have. But some of us make the effort and take the step.

The risk reward ratio is phenomenal. Ask yourself-is $249.00 too much of a risk for the prospect of making $5,000.00 or more per month? Even if you do lose the whole $249.00 and never make a dime-what have you really lost? But believe me-I am not in this business to lose money. Making money online and creating wealth online is what I am in this home based business for.

I am not promising you that you will get rich quick online, but I am offering you an alternative. You can get rich, make money online, create wealth on the internet, do so on autopilot and launch a wonderful cash flow, a consistent cash flow, a residual income. Give it a try.

About the author

Tomlin Rezar is an internet entrepreneur, author and wealth teacher. His website is and his blog may be viewed at where promotional or teaching videos such as may be viewed.
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