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Discover Children Panic Attacks Secrets Today

Discover Children Panic Attacks Secrets Today

It is a growing concern in our society today that children are suffering from panic attacks

, and it can be difficult to establish why, however there are numerous reasons for this you might like to take into consideration.At the moment the current figures are that for every three couples that get married, one couple end up in the divorce courts, that leaves society with a large percentage of single parents.This could be one of many reasons to the foundations of panic attacks with regard to a child, it is a fact that single parents in general do perform a good task with regard to bringing up children when they are single, however it can not replace the support of both parents.Let's take some examples; prior to a break up of a relationship there are usually many disagreements with couples, some end up being violent and others experience just plain shouting at each other for ever reason, these events get firmly placed in a child's subconscious mind if they have been a witness to them.This can have an unfavourable outcome on a young person's subconscious mind. It may not be noticeable to see an instant result, however it can have an extensive results later in life.According to top physiatrists the human brain as three minds, one being the conscious mind, a second being the subconscious mind, and the third being the unconscious mind, there is a fourth called the sixth sense but for this point in question the fourth one is not relative to this subject.The conscious mind is what you are using right now to read this article, when we talk and listen to our friends are prime examples. The unconscious mind is a recollection of events that have taken place in the history of your life, and finally the subconscious mind, this has enormous potential in respect of, knowledgeable people accept as true we have yet to get even close to its full potential.The subconscious mind is like a million dollar computer, in fact even more powerful than that, however it can be compared to a computer in the point it will respond to whatever you program into it, whereas the subconscious mind is unable to define the difference between negative and positive. The reality is if a child has instilled the fear of a panic attack in the subconscious the probability is it will take place.For example; when you speak to your self or friends about your current circumstances, your subconscious will act in response for example; if you are feeling ill and continually complain about it you will only create more of the same, however by reversing those words and speaking in a positive sense many people have recovered from fatal diseases by using this method.It is an undisputed fact that everything in life is at first is created in the subconscious mind, great inventors, musicians, scientists, are prime examples they are well aware of the power of the subconscious mind.The question is when a child is suffering from a panic attack, the reason behind it inevitably is a episode of events that have been planted in the subconscious mind, this could be the heated arguments that may have taken place leading up to a break-up of a couple. Children are very sensitive and can be easily influenced when they are growing up.If you can think of the subconscious mind as garden, what ever seeds are sown some will grow whether they are weeds, or flowers. How do we get rid of the weeds? Simple remove them.The possible explanations are plain to see, problems at school for example; exams,school bullies, attending a new school, to name just a few.In order to resolve this problem if you are a single parent, and your child is suffering from panic attacks a great deal of research is necessary, think back to the events that have taken place in the past that have been fed into the child's subconscious mind, prior to the break up of your relationship, and you will probably come up with the solutions.A further point to take into consideration is just because the child has suffered one panic attack does not necessarily mean they will suffer from them for the rest of their lives. This situation is an example of what has happened in the past this can be transformed by a straightforward mind shift.I hope you enjoyed this article, my intention was to help you to solve panic attacks in children, however I am unable to cover all the reasons why children suffer panic attacks in this short article, but I hope this has influenced you to explore reasons you may not have considered.

Discover Children Panic Attacks Secrets Today

By: Alan Benney
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Discover Children Panic Attacks Secrets Today