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A Way To Productive Aging

A Way To Productive Aging

Most people do not experience productive aging because of their wrong perception of retirement

. Most of us only see it as a time for leisure and a very long vacation. Aging is just a gradual decrease of our bodily functions, not their termination.

Here are some guidelines to a productive aging:

1. Carefully plan ahead

This includes carefully planning your retirement as well as yourself. Planning ahead for these things will result to productive aging and less stress later on. A well-planned individual always gets the exact same results that he has envisioned. Imagine what would you want for your retirement and plan for it ahead of time.

2. Discover what makes you tick

Retirement is supposed to be the time when we can finally do what we love doing if we did not get a chance for it when we were still working. The leisure part will only last for a few months. Consider it as your gift to yourself after decades of hard work. If you want a productive aging, find a way to monetize your passion. This way, you can overcome your boredom and have a steady income as well.

3. Have the desire to remain productive

As a career person, quitting your career for good will result to a lot of issues later on especially since you have been productive all your life and that suddenly ended. As a retiree, dont distinguish the fire that keeps your desire to remain productive. Going for a productive aging almost eliminates all the possible problems that a retiree will face during the last quarter of his or her life.

Retirement is supposed to be enjoyed and not something to be afraid of. You can still make a living after you have retired. Click here if you want a stress less and prosperous retirement.

by: Alvin Dionaldo
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A Way To Productive Aging