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3 Life Changing Lessons From Jerry And Esther Hicks

3 Life Changing Lessons From Jerry And Esther Hicks

I remember the first time I sat down to listen to a Jerry and Esther Hicks recording

. Jerry explained that Esther would be channeling Abraham and that Abraham's teachings would be taught through Esther. As you can imagine I was just a little skeptical at first.

Then all of sudden Esther's voice changed dramatically and it was like something else was talking through her. Of course, I still harbored serious doubts as to whether the whole story was true, but decided to listen on and gauge the value of the information for myself.

That I did, and to be honest, I was truly impressed by the power and truth of what Abraham was teaching. Since then I've studied a whole bunch of their work, applied it to my own life and that of my clients and had astounding results.

In this article I'll share the 3 life changing lessons that I learnt from Abraham, and Jerry and Esther Hicks.

Lesson #1: Everything is vibration

One of the fundamentals upon which everything Jerry and Esther teach is that: everything is vibration. Modern quantum physics tends to agree. For evidence, seek out "The Field" by Lynne McTaggard.

Once we accept that everything is essentially vibration, we're one step closer to accepting that in essence we attract what we have in our lives.

One of the fundamental properties of vibration is that like attracts like. So vibrating in sync with something we want, or some change we want to make attracts it right to us.

How do you do that you may ask...well let's move on to lesson 2...

Lesson #2: Emotions are your ultimate guidance system

Emotions are a result of how we're vibrating towards anything in this moment. To put it quite simply, if we feel good we attract more good into our lives and visa versa.

To get more precise, if we feel good about some topic, say money for example, we tend to be more abundant with respect to money. We tend to allow it to flow into our lives more easily, since we're aligned with the vibration of abundance.

The way I think of it is this. If we're feeling good with respect to money, we attract more of what makes us feel good with respect to money. For most people, that means a steady flow of more money!

Lesson #3: The power of intent

This lesson I have really taken to heart. In essence, Jerry and Esther emphasize the power that our intent has on creating reality.

I've used this for all kinds of things, like adding statements of intent before I begin my abundance visualizations or peak performance exercises.

One secret tip is that if you state your intent out loud it tends to have a much stronger effect. I believe this is because the added effort it takes to say it out loud, really signals to your other than conscious resources that this intent is important. It gets more of your mind and body working towards the positive resolution of your intent.

To take it step further, writing an intent down is even more powerful. In fact, I do this every morning when I write out the goal that I'm working on and go from there. I highly recommend you do this too. Writing an intent down in your own handwriting, is like rocket fuel for getting your other than conscious resources work with you to achieve that particular intent.

I really encourage you to learn from these 3 lessons and apply them to your life, starting NOW! They've had an impressive effect on the lives of many, many people thanks to the teachings of Jerry and Esther Hicks.

by: Rishan B
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3 Life Changing Lessons From Jerry And Esther Hicks