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Automotive industry in Iowa

Automotive industry in Iowa What is the automotive industry?The automotive industry is one of the world's most cost-effective sectors, since people have become very dependent on driving. The automotive industry deals with the design, development, manufacture, marketing and selling of motor vehicles. Most Iowa companies that produce automotive parts are classified as Tier 2 or Tier 3 manufacturers. They sell their products to other...more

The Auto Industry Pitfalls

The Auto Industry Pitfalls Within most major cities and countries, the automotive industry plays a huge role within their economic, and industrial sectors. Each year there are over 60 million trucks, and cars manufactured. These millions of automobiles are responsible for the consumption of almost half of the world's oil resources. Also, within the automotive industry, over 4 million people are given employment both directly, and...more

Why is Women's Car Insurance Much Cheaper?

Why is Women's Car Insurance Much Cheaper? The cost of insurance is something that is cause for great debate. However, the disparity between the price paid by a man compared to a woman is possibly one of the most contentious matters. In fact, UK insurers will soon be adjusting these costs so as to fall in line with European Law on sexual discrimination. However, the big issue for many is why women get cheaper car insurance in the first place. One of the myths is that women are better drivers. This isn't necessarily true. Insurance quotes are driven not by theoretical generalisations, but by the cold hard facts provided by statistics. So whilst women may have as many crashes as men, many of these are for insignificant amounts or were caused by other parties. This means that they can be accurately judged as a lower risk, which in turn means that they shouldn't pay as much for their cover. Risk ratings aren't foolproof of course; there are exceptions to every rule. But in the case of female drivers, the statistics are on their side. This means that they cost insurers less and these savings are passed on. Or at least they were. With the new legislation coming...more

Will Men's Car Insurance Get Cheaper?

Will Men's Car Insurance Get Cheaper? Traditionally, men have had to pay more than women when buying car insurance. This was as a consequence of insurance statistics, which show that male drivers are involved in more claims, which also happen to cost more. However, things are now changing. In 2011, European legislation ruled...more

Hiring Injury Lawyer Sacramento

Hiring Injury Lawyer Sacramento The moment you sustain injuries as a result of an automobile accident or delivery injuries or workplace hazards, do you know who to call? If your injuries are as a result of someone else negligence, recklessness or intent to harm, do you have an idea on how to start constituting for a settlement claim?...more

European Judge's Car Insurance Ruling

European Judge's Car Insurance Ruling In early 2011, The European Court of Justice ruled that disparity in car insurance based on gender was illegal and that insurers would have to charge male and female drivers the same. Whilst this new legislation won't come into effect until December 2012, it marks a huge change in the way insurance is going to be calculated moving forwards. For many years women have benefitted from discounted rates of car cover. This wasn't simply by chance, but is in fact a direct consequence of insurance industry risk assessments and the relative statistical data on male and female drivers. Whilst women aren't necessarily ‘better' drivers, they are deemed a lower risk than their male compatriots. The reason for this is that men statistically are involved in incidents that result in larger payouts. The British Insurance Brokers' Association recently released figures that suggested that an average claim by an 18 year old male was around £4,400 whilst a female in the same age band was only £2,700. This effectively means that teenage men pose a greater risk, which equates to around 61% in financial terms. The biggest impact will...more

Does Car Insurance Punish the Young?

Does Car Insurance Punish the Young? Few would argue that young drivers don't exactly receive the best value when buying car insurance. If you're below the age of 25, you will often find yourself paying a massive mark-up when compared...more

There are no bargains on driving insurance for young drivers

There are no bargains on driving insurance for young drivers Not surprisingly, young drivers stand-out as the highest risk group for auto insurance companies. Approximately eight out of ten newly licensed drivers tangle in a minor...more

Some Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance Quotes

Some Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance Quotes Fantastic Deals OnlineSearching on-line is the best way to buy car insurance these days. This is normally true if you are in one of the higher risk insurance groups such as new drivers....more

Car or truck Insurance coverage - Manufacturers' Insurance

Car or truck Insurance coverage - Manufacturers' Insurance Low-priced auto insurance coverage can be judiciously selected just after obtaining insurance quotes from different businesses. This assists you in choosing the ideal...more

All about cheap car insurances for young drivers

All about cheap car insurances for young drivers As you can see on TV, there are thousands of car crashes that happen every day. And that's why many people feel scared to drive because no one knows what may happen to them on the road....more

Car Insurance Claims Horror

Car Insurance Claims Horror The nightmare of contributory negligence in car insurance... Is this the way YOUR state does things?We had a young lady insured in our agency. She was driving to work one day, waiting to make a left-hand...more
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