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How to find the best Auto Salvage and Recycling in DELAWARE

How to find the best Auto Salvage and Recycling in DELAWARE Finding the best auto salvaging and recycling in the state of Delaware may prove to be a tiresome process if one is uninformed and not entirely educated about the whole process. Here are a few of our suggestions on how to find the best Auto Salvage and Recycling in DELAWARE.FACT: It has been proven that an average 76% percent of vehicles within the United States are...more

How Lucrative is The Auto Industry?

How Lucrative is The Auto Industry? One of the most lucrative industries that you can think of is the automotive industry, which has to do with the developing, designing, manufacturing, marketing and selling of automobiles. It also produces vehicles such as airplanes, trucks, buses and motorcycles in addition to trains. Taking this into consideration, it is easy for you to imagine how tremendous growth has been within the industry,...more

What you need to know about Auto Salvage and Recycling in Illinois

What you need to know about Auto Salvage and Recycling in Illinois Salvage titles in Illinois are issued when insurance companies see it as a loss to repair the damaged vehicle since so much damage was done to it. Auto salvaging in Illinois both on the part of the dealer and the buyer is most times a win/win situation because it puts money in the pocket of the dealer and allows the buyer to afford a vehicle they may not have necessarily had the opportunity to afford. The rules in Illinois are not so drastically different from those of other states and just like those states Illinois enforces many rules to protect buyers from scam artists. The ins and outs of auto salvaging in IllinoisThe salvage title for a vehicle is issued by the state DMV under the advisement of the insurance company or as a result of inspections performed by said department. To do business with a salvage car, the title needs to be upgraded to one-time salvage otherwise it is not legal to drive the vehicle on the roads. If you are purchasing a one-time salvage vehicle obtain the vehicle insurance number (VIN) and run a background check on the vehicle. Changing from salvage to a one-time salvage...more

The Auto Crisis - What really caused it

The Auto Crisis - What really caused it The auto crisis impacted many local American families and further contributed to the global recession. Unfortunate as it was we need to revisit this crisis to ensure that the same mistakes are not made again by knowing exactly what caused it so that we can continue on the right path to...more

How the decline in the Auto Industry Affected Employment Rates

How the decline in the Auto Industry Affected Employment Rates General Motors, Ford and Chrysler (The Big Three) concentrated in the Mid West, USA were once the most dominant forces in the automobile industry. Since the 1970s however, there has been a significant decline in these once powerful automotive companies. The oil crisis was...more

How The Economic Downturn has Affected The Auto Salvage Industry

How The Economic Downturn has Affected The Auto Salvage Industry There is absolutely no doubt that the economic downturn has significantly affected the automotive industry in a negative way, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler were the three hardest hit resulting in two of these companies receiving bailouts from the government. Decline in auto sales can be blamed on many factors but the two most culpable are the massive increase in oil prices and the sudden credit crunch that affected nearly every American. Because these companies deal in new vehicles that are significantly more expensive than old or salvage vehicles they lost much of their market to these industries.Salvage vs. hybridsEven though new car sales declined significantly during the heights of the downturn in 2008-2009, there still existed the need of the consumer to purchase vehicles. Consumers opted for the smart buys and choose hybrid vehicles instead of those pesky and expensive gas guzzlers. Hybrid vehicles, though cheaper than traditional, new vehicles were still expensive to those hardest hit and thus they turned to salvage vehicles. While there are no exact figures it is estimated that the salvage...more

The Minnesota Auto Industry

The Minnesota Auto Industry The Minnesota Auto BusinessMinnesotaMinnesota is located in the Upper Midwestern area of the USA. It is the twelve largest state and its capital is St Paul, though its largest city being Minneapolis. It is...more

Car Insurances Comparison

Car Insurances Comparison When it is that time again to compare car insurance there are a few things that need to be taken into account. There is good and bad news to this.The bad news is that every insurance company you speak with...more

The Massachusetts Auto Industry

The Massachusetts Auto Industry Massachusetts is in the north eastern section of the USA. Boston is its capital and largest city. There are five counties in Massachusetts. The auto industry in Massachusetts is well defined and both...more

Five Mistakes People Make when Buying Car Insurance

Five Mistakes People Make when Buying Car Insurance There are a surprising number of potential pitfalls associated with buying a car insurance policy. One small error could see you spending hundreds of pounds more than necessary or,...more

Auto profit serializer

Auto profit serializer Brian Farrow launched Auto traffic Xploit. It is always technology your dog intended to go for a a lot of extra targeted traffic to a internet. He made the main potential customers creating tool easier than you...more

Which State had the Best Auto Industry

Which State had the Best Auto Industry There is no doubt that Michigan State had the best auto industry in the United States: Detroit is nicknamed "The motor city" after all. The automotive industry in Detroit contributed to a strong...more
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